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Effects Of Management Disturbance On Soil Nutrients And Diameter Of Phyllostachy Pubescens Forests

Posted on:2012-06-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L N LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2213330368479251Subject:Forest cultivation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Phyllostachys pubescens has important effects on economy, ecology and society. In orderto improve products of Phyllostachys pubescens forest, peasants took all kinds of measures.The research analyze effects of management disturbance on soil nutrients and diameter ofphyllostachy pubescens Forests of ZheJiang province. The main results as follows:1.The results of analysis on soil nutrients of phyllostachy pubescens Forests of ZheJiang provinceshowed that 1)pH value was weak acidic and the differences were minor.2)the differencesbetween regions of total nitrogen and rapidly available nitrogen were greater, contents of which inAnJi is high and the southwest of ZheJiang was lack .3) the differences between regions ofavailable phosphorus and rapidly available potassium were greater, contents of which in AnJi is highand the southwest of ZheJiang was lower ,except SuChang.4) Integrated Fertility Index reflectedthat soil fertility was caused by managements.2. Research used Geostatistics method to analyze the spatial characteristics and correlationrelationship between soil nutrients and gross weight of bamboo of a 20-year, intensively managed,Phyllostachys pubescens forest in Hegan of Anji County. Results showed that 1) organic matter, pH,total nitrogen, rapidly available nitrogen, available phosphorus and rapidly available potassium of thebamboo forest soil were moderately variant. 2) Natural factors mainly caused spatial variability in Nand K, but random and natural factors together caused spatial variability of TN and organic matter. 3)The order of fractal values for the Moso bamboo forest was N(D=1.969)> K(D=1.958)> organicmatter(D=1.798)> TN(D=1.787). 4) Correlation between soil nutrients and gross weight of bamboodidn't rearch significant level.3.The results of analysis on diameters and soil nutrients of phyllostachy pubescens Forests showedthat1) correlation between total nitrogen, organic matter, available phosphorus, rapidly availablepotassium and diameters didn't reach significant, except total nitrogen.2)diameters and soil nutrientswere tending towards regional distribution after managements.3) trend surface of phyllostachyspubescens diameters showed that distribution of diameters and level of managements weresimilar.4)diameters were more affected by managements.So big-diameter phyllostachys pubescensforest management are sustainable4. Maximum entropy function of phyllostachys pubescens'diameters with different managements based on Maximum entropy's fitted curves showed that the distributions were inaccordance with Weibull distribution. Because of different managements, location and shape of curveat coordinate axis were different. The main reason of different integrated fertility index is caused bymanagements, but correlation between integrated fertility index and diameters didn't rearchsignificant level.5. Clustering of diameters and soil nutrients in 32 plots of the southwest of ZheJiang showedthat, plots in the same region were the same kind, and regions with similar managements were the samekind .We thought that the uniform managements leaded the diameters and soil nutrients to be similar,and region variation. Tend surface analysis further showed that managements were the main reason ofdiameters distribution.6.The analysis on structure and soil nutrients of 30 big-diameter bamboo forests showed thatcontents of total nitrogen were high; diameters distribution was in accordance with Weibulldistribution and structures were stable .
Keywords/Search Tags:phyllostachys pubescens, soil nutrients, diameter, geo-statistics, maximumentropy theory
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