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Effects Of Combined Application Of Organic Fertilizer And Chemical Fertilizer On Crops Yield And Fertilizer Use Efficiency And Soil Fertility In Dryland

Posted on:2012-09-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2213330338951910Subject:Plant Nutrition
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
A field experiment under the natural rainfall condition was conducted to study the effects of seven different combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizers modes. (namely, none fertilizer, chemical fertilizer,20% of swine manure,20% of pig manure composting,20% of the Biogas,10% of pig manure composting,30% of pig manure composting) on upland crops'yield,fertilizer use efficiency and soli fertility. The main results as follows:1.Compared to pure chemical fertilizer application, combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizers could increase leaf chlorophyⅡand net photosynthesis rate in functional leaves of spring maize and cabbage,but there aren't any significant difference among all the treatments. The net photosynthesis rate in spring maiz functional leaves increased 13.35% by treatment 2, increased 4.89% by reatment 4. Treatment 2 and treatment 5 could increase leaf chlorophyll in functional leaves of spring maize, which increased 2.97% and 3.07% during silking stage and 13.10%,4.66% during filling stage respectively.2. Compaered to pure chemical fertilizer application, combined applicationof organic mnure and chemical fertilizers could improve the activities of nitrate reductase(NR) and sucrose phosphate synthase(SPS) in functional leaves of spring maiz and cabbage, but it is incompatible that the effects of the fertilizer treatments on the NR and SPS activities of different crops during different growing stages. There is no significant difference between the NR and SPS activities of fertilizer treatments at corn silking stage. While, during filling stage, compared to pure treatment, the NR activities increased 15.18% and 7.45% by treatment 2 and treatment 5 respectively, the SPS activity increased 9.52% and 8.65% by treatment 2 and treatment 5. Cabbage transplanted 15 days later, the NR activity increased by 16.70% and 69.50% by treatment 2 and treatment 3 respectively, the activity of SPS increased 13.20% by treatment 2. Cabbage transplanted 30 days later, the activity of NR increased 40.90% and 37.73% by treatment 5 and treatment 6 respectively, the activity of SPS increased 12.19% and 3.66% by treatment 3 and treatment 5 respectively.3. There aren't any significant differences on yield of spring maiz and cabbage among all the fertilizer application treatments, but increased 2.86% and 7.55% respectively than chemical fertilizer treatment by treatment 5 in two crops. Combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizers could increase the ontent of soluble sugar and reduce nitrate in maize grain and cabbage. The content of soluble sugar in maize grain increased 8.61% by treatment 2,and increased 1.14% by treatment 4,and increased 6.75%~23.65% by combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizer treatments in cabbage. The nitrate reduced by 47.02% and 43.39% in spring maiz grain of treatment 3 and treatment 5, and by 9.05%-27.67% in cabbage of all the organic and chemical fertilizer combined application treatments.4. Combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizers could increase total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium cumulant uoland, but there is no compatible effect on fertiliazer use efficiency among all the fertilizer treatments. Compared to pure chemical fertilizer application, the total N,P,K cummulant in spring maiz increase 4.31%,1.00% and 7.17% by treatment 5, the total N,P cummulant in cabbage increase 12.49% and 13.49% respectively by treatment 3. The nitrigen use efficiency in spring maiz increased 4.27% by treatment 5,while the other combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizer treatments reduced slightly and shows no abvious difereence among them. The phosphorus use efficency in spring maiz increased 0.2 and 0.37 percentage by treatment 4 and treatment 5 respectively, The potassium use efficency in spring maiz of treatment 4 and treatment 5 increased by 4.16 and 3.31 percentage point, whlie the others of the two crops reduced.5. Compared to pure chemical fertilizer application, combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizers could increase the ontent of available N,available P and available K in dryland soil,especially at latter stage of spring maize. Spring maize transplanted 80 days later, available N of treatment 5 increaed 12.61%, available P increaed 28.3% by treatment 2, available K increaed 8.95% by treatment 5 increased 5.37% by treatment 3 at the same time, all the combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizers treatments could increase the content of organic matter, and which increaed 23.18% by treatment 6.Since,we can conclude that combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizer will enhance yield and improve quality of spring maize and cabbage, for which can improve photo synthetic characteristics of upland crops's leaves, enhance the activity of key Carbon and nitrogen enzyme, increase total nutrient uptake and fertilizer use efficiency. Among the treatments, treatment 3 (20% compost N+80% fertilizer N) and treatment 5 (10% compost N+90% fertilizer N) are the better modes of combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizer, for their higher yields, higher soluble sugar content, lower nitrates and the ability of improving fertilizer use efficiency.
Keywords/Search Tags:combined application of organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer, dryland crop, yield, fertilizer use efficiency, soil fertility
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