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Zoo Planning And Design Research

Posted on:2012-01-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2212330368995162Subject:Architecture and Civil Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In our country, the zoo industry has no formal in display design summary and research work. Long-term since, planning, design work depends entirely on the society building design and landscape design unit to. The design unit of captive wild animals of demand are poorly understood, so that does not meet a requirement of continuous development, innovation of the zoo, zoo in national industry classification was included in the city park green space area, is a type of city park. In the national standard about zoo, peculiar animal exhibition design field only some principle provision.Therefore, our country present stage zoo planning, design is still in the primary stage, neither a set of mature theory to guide the work, and the lack of some of the more satisfactory example as a reference. Therefore, this article in Nanchang City Zoo construction as the study case, combined with a large number of data, pictures, science, system, a detailed study of the history and development of the zoo, the zoo planning and design in the location principles, planning, overall planning, building, animal animal species planning, exhibition program arrangement, natural building and ecological display, greening, road facilities planning and practice of combined aspects, and has made certain achievements. The paper for the modern zoo designers, investors, administrative departments to provide the theory basis, to our country modern zoo construction, development and management to have certain stimulative and role.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ecological Zoo, the overall planning and design, animal building planning and design, protection and education
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