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The Study Of DMU Application In Vehicle Body Development

Posted on:2012-04-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D L ZouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2212330368978730Subject:Vehicle Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article introduces DMU technical apply in body productive development, present relative conception and application approach,analysis basically domestic body develops status and problems, bring up the necessary of DMU technical application in body development, descript five function of DMU: Relative technique, Parallel project, Knowledge project technique, functional testing, and virtual reality technique.According as DMU technical features, sum up DMU five functions to apply for our body technical development status. Descript detailed three of them: DMU relative technique, DMU knowledge project technique and functional testing. Using IP as an example, functions apply into IP develop designing.Particular introduce three DMU functions in IP development fulfill approach and process. Compare with traditional IP approach, the application of DMU functions could reduce develop period. Relative technical feature module could simplify typical structure design; only transfer typical structure from built-feature-module basement. As Intervene testing belongs to functional testing exams where IP and round condition intervening statues, avoid bringing over work cause round condition changing. Processing module of knowledge project technique is enterprise technique accumulation and essential. Fixed complicated assay through module, any assay develop in the same phase with enterprise standards.DMU technique apply that play an important role in body develop design. Compare with traditional design approach, DMU technique reduce largely time, labors and materials. It's a big improvement of body development ability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Autobody design, IP, DMU, Template
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