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Comparison Between Siza's Works And Moura's

Posted on:2013-01-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Portugal, as a small European country, can generate two outstanding architects in a few decades, like Alvaro Siza and Eduardo Souto de Moura, this phenomenon is worth thinking about. Their success experience is worthy, therefore, this paper choose these two architects for the study objects.The relatively research was divided to following three parts: the source of idealistic, the design skill, the work comparison. Through comparative studies, we found that the two architects have similar educational background, although the effects are from different architects, but they have many similarities in designing thinking. They deal with the relationship between buildings and sites, building materials and colors , the relationship between architecture and surrounding environment, building sketches of architectural design and combining of modern architecture and traditional architecture is very similar, but their approach is different,they used different approaches to achieve the same purpose. In addition, they deal with the space inside the building, the relationship between building external shape and the external environment are also very similar. Based on these aspects in-depth analysis, we begin to explore the inheritance between the two architects and heritage relationship.Through comparative studies of architectural works of alvaro siza and Eduardo Souto de Moura, we can see two architects in the treatment of local and traditional attitudes are the same. Although they are thinking of Portuguese origin and local houses of traditional architecture, but they were impacted by different modernist architects, so their specific architectural design approach is different. Finally, from the two Portuguese architect's design approaches and a detailed analysis of their works, we can see the thinking process of two architects. Now Chinese traditional culture has many defects, and designing skills of modernist architecture have many defects. I believe that the process of two Portuguese architects'design work will bring some inspirations for our country's architects.
Keywords/Search Tags:Siza, Moura, Design thought, Design skill, Design experience, Inheritance and heritage
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