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Fire Alarm Systems Management In The Application Of Highway Tunnel

Posted on:2012-01-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2212330362454202Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With China's rapid economic development and continuous improvement of national infrastructure construction, railways, highways, airports and buildings are constantly building, and how to avoid fire after construction, protect people's lives and property safety, which has a need to relatively complete set of early warning and alarm system - fire fire alarm system. At the same time as large-scale application of this system, the fire spread of knowledge, people raise awareness of the importance of fire and other multiple factors, and therefore contributed to the fire alarm system at a rapid pace.This research is based on Zhu Yong Expressway Kuocang Tunnel fire system applications in the start of this projectAs the world's five hundred enterprises in project development and management General Electric have a strong competitive advantage, its management system, organizational structure, compensation system in the project management role in this emerging science played a crucial role. Project management as an emerging science, the development project has a theoretical significance. General Electric's project development in full compliance with the essence of the theory of project management, project development in the entire process, from business management to project development and design, and implementation of the project, the General Electric did it different from other enterprises of different strategic advantage.General Electric, according to fire science is the study of law and development of fire and fire prevention and fighting theory and technology of the emerging discipline of comprehensive features, and formulated a project management system related to the implementation of the project, with project management theory Characteristics of Development Strategy and companies to start. According to the characteristics of the project, from project design began to develop a related project development guidelines, follow the characteristics of project development, project management team established, and from the financial budget, quality control and other means to protect the smooth implementation of project development.Based on the Zhu Yong expressway Kuocang Tunnel fire alarm system in the preliminary study, carried out research in this field and abroad Analysis. Then combined with the National Highway Tunnel Application was discussed on the national highway system in the distribution of the tunnel and the application to the analysis and research. And through the alarm system on the three projects after the implementation of the specific application, that specific applications and conclusions.Finally, for the fire protection system for the practical application of the National Highway some problems may arise in the analysis, concluded that: the fire alarm system is widely used in the tunnel, and will state public property and human life, play very good protection.
Keywords/Search Tags:General Electric, Fire alarm systems, Kuocang Tunnel, project development and management
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