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The Characteristics Of Nordic Modern Architecture Rooted In Nature

Posted on:2011-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T X DaiFull Text:PDF
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The development of Nordic architecture is different from the development in central Europe due to its specific location and given context of dominant nature. The Nordic society is as well growing towards globalization. However, the Nordic architecture keeps a critical attitude as well as following the modernism. The creators of the architecture insist on the local tradition, at the same time, pay attention to inherit and innovate the architectural culture.The life of Nordic people is bound to the perception of endless nature. This strongly inspires the local architects who not only learn from the natural images, but also the principle of nature. It is not a mean but their instinct to pursue the balance and harmony between the nature and architecture.In this thesis, the characteristics of geography, topography and climate in Nordic countries are analyzed. With focus on Nordic architecture built in Nordic countries by local architects, the impact on the art and life style is illustrated, which contributes to the characteristics and development of Nordic modern architecture. The research points out the significance of the elements of natural light, trees, water and rock in forming the architectural feature. The characteristic ways to establish the relationship between nature and architecture include visual, formal, spatial and emotional elements. These ways are developed due to their insight into these elements and natural principles. Nordic architects either use space as metaphor of nature, or create space for recollection. This applies even when designing buildings as natural principles tell us, all of which arouse our appreciation of the natural beauty and respect to the nature. In general, Nordic architects prefer to use natural material such as wood and stones. This consideration is important to express the material and construction through the materials'own direct characteristics. The result is a cozy atmosphere that relates to human scale.Although Nordic architecture is undergoing changes, it keeps on the way which is rooted in the strong nature and its interpretation.
Keywords/Search Tags:nature, Nordic architecture, Characteristics
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