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Concern For Children-Design Of Museum In Germany

Posted on:2012-12-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2212330338498548Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The subject of "museum for adolescence" is designated for the"InternationalMuseum Day"by International Museum Association. It is common sense that museumplays an important part in adolescence education. The late nineteenth century, with therising of human-based education thought, museum became the important educationalplace for the large number of resources in it. The same period, children psychologicaland education theory were developing rapidly; education of children had beentreatedseriously. Children visit museum oftenunder the guidance ofthe school orparents. Children, nowadays,are the potential audience which museumcan notignore;whetherin school or familygroups; children have gradually become the largemuseumgroup.As an old advanced country with many scientific contributions, Germany'seducation system is more mature and complete, special children's basic education, andmuseums for the education of children also play a significant role. German museum orin close cooperation with schools, so that the museum's exhibition galleriesacrossthelimitations ofthe schoolcurriculumintothe realm ofthe variousdisciplines; ororganized diverse and active educational activities for children,inthe audiencenotjuststopat theshowroom, but also fromthe use ofa variety ofsensory activities,theuse ofmultiple intelligencesto fullylearn; also designed some interactive exhibitionsand display for children's physiology and psychology to stimulate children's interestand develop multiple intelligences. Cares for children of different museums havedifferent emphases; the main categories can be divided into natural science, culture andart,specialtopicandhistorythreeclasses.Basedontheoreticalandpracticalinvestigation,sincethethreeneedsofchildrenin the museum: educational, psychological, physiological, the maturity of the three typesof museum cases were analyzed, focusing on children care-related museums in thespatial organization and design, scale, materials, colors and so on. And summarized themuseum to care for children, universal design principles and design methods, andadvantages according to characteristics of different types of museums, and further putforwardthecorrespondingprinciplesandmethods.The focus ofmodern museumbusiness has already beentransferred to thedisplayand education. But there are many problems in operation in our country such as somemuseums are not considered services for adolescences during initial construction andlater maintenance. Themuseum, therefore, theactivities organization,lay outforexhibition,spaceusing,arenotsuitableforchildren.Insocialprogressanddevelopment;changesinfamilyleisure;livelyanddiverseschoolsbenefittrends;childrenhaveaccessto the information needs of new circumstances,how to makethe museumenvironment,exhibitionsandactivities fit forthe special needs ofthe new generationof childrenhasbecomeaproblemwhichmuseumsneedtotakeseriously.Hope this article provides some value reference for the design of children care inmuseumandpreparationofrelatedmuseumspecifications.
Keywords/Search Tags:Germanmuseum, concernforchildren, education, psychology, physiology
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