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A Fire Command Training System Design And Implementation

Posted on:2011-06-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J B ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2212330338470070Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Alongside with the development in PLA artillery armaments, the System has become conventional equipment in field troops. This affords PLA artillery precision striking capability and constitutes an epoch-making event in the history of PLA artillery.The life cycle of the System depends greatly on the times of laser irradiation, so the use of real equipment in training will evidently reduce the performance and life span of the System. At the same time the use of real equipment also entails greater difficulties in organization of and support for training. The current system—Simulation Trainer for the System—is developed to ensure an earlier translation into genuine fighting capability of new hi-tech weapon system. In real equipment training with the System, the coordination between CP and GP, and coordination between commander and system operator have always been an important but challenging task. In the function design of the current system, the element commander is taken as the target role for trainees, and the simulation of real equipment functions and battlefield environment is viewed as the key element in simulation. The system consists of three sub-systems:1. Fire Direction Subsystem. This subsystem initializes the entire system, and simulates the whole process of the commander's fire direction. The subsystem can also decide initial firing data and evaluate the direction performance of the commander.2.Battlefield Subsystem. This is a simulation of battlefield environment, target movement and destruction processes. Design in this subsystem can bring about a vivid feeling of battlefield scenarios and a strong submersion effect for trainees.3. Target Detection Subsystem. The subsystem employs digital coded disc, microcontroller and communication control technologies, which render a trainer with the same exterior, operation procedures and display information as the real equipment.The subsystem can simulate not only the angle and range measurement and orientation functions of laser target designator, but also its functions of reconnoitering , tracking and irradiating battlefield and targets. The system can simulate the whole process of fire direction of the System with good effect both for trainees and for the training organization. The system has been put to use in many army units, where the simulation trainer system can give the trainee units opportunities to master the basic operation requirements and performance of the System in a relatively short period.
Keywords/Search Tags:weaponary system, firing command, training system, virtual reality
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