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A Study On The Influence Of Concentration Of Population On Warming

Posted on:2012-11-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2211330368976893Subject:Population, resource and environmental economics
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The rapid economic and social development, demographic situation is changing, especially in urban population size changes more apparent. Due to historical and other reasons, China's vast population living in rural areas, the process of economic development, in order to seek way out and the pursuit of a higher standard of living, more and more people flock to the city which led to urban population centers. This aggregation is relative to the "traditional" status in terms of urban population, it is the urban population to the aggregation process. Studies suggest that the population of urban population together with the phenomenon of urbanization, population, urbanization and a certain relationship exists between. So some scholars have gathered the population defined as a dynamic concept, it will lead to population, population density, population distribution changes. Meanwhile, the urban population center is one of the signs of social development. However, when large numbers of people poured into the city with limited capacity, it will surely bring a range of social, economic and environmental issues. Makes all kinds of urban population increase the demand for energy and resources to improve the consumption and use of large amounts of energy and resources also had a lot of greenhouse gases, these gases can not be spread in time, inevitably lead to urban temperature.Domestic and international climate issues given a high importance, the general view is that global warming is in the process of continuing. IPCC reports that for decades the world has experienced the most heat. Some people think that global warming is part of the people lies with a certain purpose, while others believe global warming is normal cycle of the Earth, others believe that global warming is a consequence of the increase in greenhouse gases. Despite different opinions, does not dispute global warming implementation. In the context of global warming, the regional air temperature and even the climate have changed. More and more cities within the temperature gradually increased, the formation of urban heat island, resulting in a heat island effect. Heat island effect in many disciplines have been studied, drawn mainly the causes of underlying surface conditions change, in order to alleviate the urban heat island effect, climate scientists, geographers, environmental scientists to do some research out and made some suggestions. Currently, research on urban heat island effect mainly in science, engineering, meteorology, for the heat island effect is not a lot of sociological research on human economic activities and social activities of the research is still in its infancy.Population change is complex, there have been scholars attempt to climate change and population movements to establish contact. But because of population changes in the population is involved in social change, and other aspects of the natural population change, in itself is more complex, you want to create the links between climate change and population's change is not a simple task. So far, on population changes and explore the relationship between climate change continues, more and more scholars to the field studies. In fact, changes in population concentration is an aspect of the population, the population is scattered in space from the concentration of sparse to dense from a social economic phenomenon. Population centers tend to occur in a period of rapid economic development, have some infrastructure in the city formed the basis of population concentration. Usually more developed urban economy, air conditioning, refrigerator, large number of private cars, which not only developed modern products consumes a lot of energy, has brought environmental pollution and greenhouse gas issues. Chinese cities by 2010, the latest measure of class differentiation in Chengdu, Chengdu is the largest city ranks second in the course of its development because the population there are also brought together a range of issues. Through the study of population changes in Chengdu, the analysis of population data series can be found in Chengdu decades into the growing population density is increasing. Meanwhile, the temperature data series in Chengdu have also shown a constant increase in the temperature trend of the city. Therefore, this article on this basis, the population gathered for the effects of urban warming were studied, and the actual situation in Chengdu, for example, that the urban population there is a certain aggregation of urban warming effect. The main contribution of this paper is:analysis of urban population centers on the impact of urban warming, and according to the actual situation of Chengdu, Chengdu people gathered to reduce the impact of warming on the city should focus on considerations of policy formulation and implementation of appropriate control Or mitigate the urban population centers on the impact of urban warming.
Keywords/Search Tags:population concentration, urban warming, impact studies
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