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Research On The Impact Of Population Migration On Urban Ecological Environment

Posted on:2019-07-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2371330551456235Subject:Population, resource and environmental economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the 1980s,rural migration has provided cheap labor for China's urban economic development and created huge economies of scale,which has promoted China's transformation from an agricultural society to a city and industrial society.However,with it,the problem of urban environmental problems is increasing.Affected by self-factors and external factors,there is a significant difference between the migration population's ability to absorb resources and consumption levels and the local population.These differences will change the pattern of production and consumption of urban residents and the level of environmental protection as a whole,which in turn will affect urban ecology.Therefore,it is of great significance to study the impact of population migration on the urban ecological environment in order to achieve sustainable urban development.This study analyzes the environmental impact of population migration from both theoretical and empirical perspectives.At the theoretical level,based on the IPAT model,the theory of moderate population,and the theory of sustainable development,the mechanism of the impact of population migration on the urban ecological environment was analyzed in the study.At the empirical level,in order to better highlight the impact of the migrant population on the urban ecological environment,the local population will be included in the model and compared with the environmental impact of the migrant population.First,qualitative analysis of the characteristics of the migrating population and the differences with the local population.Then based on the STIRPAT model with high flexibility,this study quantitatively analyzes the effects of the migration population size and the concentration of migrating population on the urban atmospheric environment,water resources environment,and land resource environment.And through the introduction of control variables,it is explored whether the level of urban development affects the impact of the migration on the urban ecological environment.The research shows that:?1?Although the local population is still the main demographic factor affecting the urban ecological environment,the effect of the migrating population is becoming increasingly significant,especially for urban greenhouse gas emissions,sewage discharge,total domestic water use,and urban construction land area has been significantly strengthened;?2?For now,compared to the local population,the impact of urban migrants on the urban ecological environment is relatively small,such as except that the impact of the migration population on the urban sewage discharge is 1/3 of the local population,the other indicators are 1/6;?3?As the relationship between the emission sources of major pollutants PM2.5,SO2,and NO2 in the air and the migrating population is weak,the spatial concentration of migrating populations will,to a certain extent,contribute to the deterioration of urban air quality;?4?In general,the addition of industrial structure and population density factors in a hierarchical regression model does not have a significant impact on the environmental impact of the migrating population.This study takes the perspective of population as the starting point,and through the expansion of the STIRPAT model,quantitatively analyzes the impact of population migration on the urban ecological environment,and compared the environmental impacts of the migration population and the local population.This article not only makes up for the insufficiency of the field at the middle and micro level,but also increases the scope of interpretation of the population factor,which will pave the way for the subsequent extension of the study.Moreover,with the advancement of urbanization,there will be a large number of migrants who will be converted into local populations.The environmental impact of the migrants will also gradually move closer to the local population.This will increase the pressure on the city's ecological environment.This study is providing a theoretical basis and data support for the transformation of this process,providing reasonable policy recommendations for sustainable urban development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Population Migration, Urban Ecological Environment, STIRPAT Model
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