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Applied Research Of Six Sigma In Quality Control Of Butachlor Production Process

Posted on:2012-10-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2211330362954132Subject:Pharmaceutical Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At presen t, the high impurity conte nt is the m ajor p roblem in the dom estic production of butachlor. It is difficult to find the minor key factors under the situation of interaction effects of numerous factors.In this paper , Avova analysis and av erage X -bar of six sigm a wer e firstly adopted to find the source of the measurement error. The accuracy and precision of detecting data were developed by eliminating the system error. Corrrelation analysis of six sigma was used to analy ze the impurity in the p roducts. The two impurities dramaticlly effecting the product quality were the impurity ether and impurity one.To seek the reasons of producing impurity and the im proving measures, the six-sigma hypothesis test wa s used figuring out the ke y producing process was the process of producing ether. The ether content was the key quality index by using the correlation analysis. The key technological parameters were t he total quantity of bottm hydr ochloric and the quantity of adding alcohol. The ether content was increased a nd the content of im purity ether was reduced by adjusting the key technological param eters. The heat preser vation tem perature and the content of sending ether were the k ey technological parameters in the successive condensation process, and the content of i mpurity one and 2-ethyl-2',6'-acefoxylidide was respectively reduced by adding ether .The differences in different condensation pots were detected in the distinguishing pro cess of the key condensation technological parameters. The Single factor variance an alysis method and the equation of linear regression were adopted to determ ine the veracity and figure out the reasons of differences by analyzing the differences of condensation pots. It was shown that the veracity of dif ferent condensation pots was various based on the confidence of ninety-five percent and 1.3 percent was the value representing the difference between big and small condensation pots ef fecting the content of original drug. The process analysis method was used to com pare the differences of big and sm all pots, as a result, the precision and the ability of pr oducing satisfatory im purity one of s mall pots were higher than those of big pots. Therefore sm all pots are employed in producing procession.In this paper, the minor key factors in fluencing the product quality were found using the six-sigma method. The product content and yield coefficient were increased, the impurity content was reduced by the technological improvement measures. which illustrates that the six-sigma method and the software of Minitab 15 cou ld help find and settle the problems more quickly and accurately.
Keywords/Search Tags:Butachlor, six sigma method, quality control, Minitab 15
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