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Highlight Two Focused On Promoting Yunnan Farmers' Income

Posted on:2007-07-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2209360212486857Subject:National Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Increase the income of peasants is an inevitable requirement for building a well-off society, an important measure to the scientific development concept, the promoters to expand the rural market demand, maintain a sustained, rapid and strength national economy development, also to coordinate urban and rural development, building a stable and harmonious society strategic choice. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC put: to construct a new socialist countryside of "the development of production, affluent and civilized style township, village clean, democratic management", the most fundamental thing is to increase the income for peasants, so that peasants can enjoy the achievements of economic development and modernization, and the "reform and development results" to benefit all the people. Our peasant income solution related to the overall situation, it is not only urgent and arduous task, but is also a long-term and formidable task; is the basic objective of the rural work, but also the economy as a whole, the major topic; is not only a major economic issue, but also an important political issue.Yunnan is the special stricken province, peasants income issue is particularly acute. In urban and rural areas, the ever-widening gap between different regions in case, if the income of peasants of Yunnan in the "11th Five-year Plan" period cannot rapid growth, it will not only affect the speed of the development of the entire national economy, but also affect the stability and harmony of our society. In this paper, from the status and features of peasant income of Yunnan, I analyze its favorable conditions and constraints to put forward measures to increase farmers of Yunnan.Absolute level of Yunnan peasant incomes is low, growth rate is slow and difficult, at the same time, poverty population with wide area and the extent of deep, along with economic development, the income gap has been expanding. There are many reasons for the causes of these phenomena, first, the fragility of Agriculture decided the arduousness of the peasant income, while, it caused by the low level of agricultural modernization, coupled with the little employment of rural laborers, which has led to slow increase. While there are many favorable conditions too, from the international to domestic, from the central to the local, it has provided favorable conditions and opportunities for income generating. Therefore, we should seize these opportunities to promote the Yunnan peasant income.Aim the incomes of peasants, use industrial concepts for planning agricultural development, use solutions" to reduce the number of peasants and rich them "for solvingthe peasant income problem, to inform a benign interaction developing situation. Intensify efforts to optimize the internal structure of agriculture and industry construction, change the mode of growth in agriculture, accelerating the industrialization of agriculture and business, to further tap the potential of the agricultural income. Wide open channels for peasant income to accelerate the transfer of surplus rural labor force, and guide the transfer of agricultural laborers to the secondary and tertiary industries, focus on the development of leading enterprises and economic organizations of farmers, while intensifying the process of industrialization and the construction of small cities and towns to speed up the integration of urban and rural development. Start government supporting policy, and bring into full play the government's functions and roles, by improving the quality of workers and speeding up the reform of the household registration system, and improving the flow of talent market and so on,to benefit for the majority of farmers being, so building new socialist rural areas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yunnan, peasant incomes, industry, surplus laborers
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