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Study Of The Efficiency Of Risk Investment Institutions

Posted on:2007-10-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D J ShenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The efficiency of venture capital investment depends on the efficiency of venture capital organization and venture-backed company. As the core of the process of venture capital investment, venture capital organization is especially important. The article analyzes the three organizational forms of limited partnership, trust fund and venture capital firm, and the problems in the aspect of venture capital organization of our country and their solutions.The Introduction starts from the development situation of venture capital of US, emphasizes the important role of venture capital organization in venture capital.Chapter 2 is the summarization of venture capital investment and venture capital organization. It introduces the meaning and characteristics of venture capital investment. This chapter also introduces the role of venture capital organization in venture capital investment, and the main organizational forms of venture capital organization adopted by foreign countries. Chapter 3 is the macro analysis of the venture capital investment. Here we introduce four tactors which influence the efficiency of venture capital investment: the venture capital resources ,the government, the capital market and the human resources. Chapter 4 is the micro analysis of the efficiency of venture capital investment. Here we compares and analyzes the two forms of venture capital organization of limited partnership and venture capital firm. Here are two ways to compare the two ones. One is theory analysis comparison, and the other way is demonstrational analysis comparison .The conclusion is that limited partnership is the most appropriate organizational form for venture capital. Chapter 6 analyzes the problems in the aspect of venture capital organization of our country and their solutions.The Epilogue summarizes and concludes the whole article, and emphasizes that limited partnership is the most appropriate form of venture capital organization for thefuture development of our country.
Keywords/Search Tags:Venture capital investment, organization form, efficiency analysis
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