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Sima Qian And Adam Smith's Economic Thought Is A Comparative Study

Posted on:2007-08-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C M JingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2209360182994875Subject:History of Economic Thought
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Lemma of the paper is to find similar causes of Sima Qian's and Adam Smith's economic thoughts by the hope of comparing similar characters of theirs.Sima Qian's economic thoughts were mainly embodied in two articles named Biography of Production Increase of Merchandise (Huo Zhi Lie Zhuan ) and Book of Justice Rules (Ping Zhun Shu) of Historical Records, which expressed ideal opinions in the aspect of macroscopically managing state affairs and microcosmic management and accordingly came into being a systematical and full of liberalist economic doctrine. It was academic sublimation to economic course, policy and steering idea of governing class in the prophase time of Xi-han Dynasty and was the first systematical summarization of Chinese archaic society's economically developing history and its actuality and level.Adam Smith's economic thoughts were mainly embodied in the Nation Wealth, in which author has summarized developed experience of each capital countries in the early latter-day times and pictured the whole functioning course of national economy systematically and manifestly based on animadverted absorbability to relatively important economic theory. His idea has become thinking weapon that cleaned off obstacles to the road of capitalism.Although these two giants and their masterpieces spanned over space-time of about two thousand years, both of them have not only put forward an economic doctrine that has taken liberalism as its soul, but also have much resemblance in their economic ideas. For example, all of two affirmed rationality that pursued material benefits; on the side of macro-policy they protested liberalism and opposed that government intervened economy overmuch; both of them cognized objective existence of the value rule and acknowledged spontaneously adjusting function of the value rule to economic course; both of them considered that could boost wealth growth and that thrift showed important significance for the capital increase; they were protesters of light-tax theory and claimed to economize financial payout on the aspect of financial theory; they considered that money had given birth to demand of goods circulation and deemed that metal acted as circulating medium aptly on the aspect of monetary theory, and so on. We can consider that many attitudes of them are alike and then some of theirs are exactly the same.Author considers that they have come to a good many agreements because their...
Keywords/Search Tags:Sima Qian, Adam Smith, economic thought, compare, economic philosophy, economic ethnics
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