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Crm Concept In Ssf Companies Studied

Posted on:2006-05-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W D ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2209360182456400Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The paper is different from many research articles about the Customer Relationship Management (CRM). It pays more attention on the combination of the ideas and practice, especial on the guiding to the Logistics industry. At first, the paper introduce the background, target and significance of the research, Then the paper put the CRM into the practice of SSF company to guide it how to operate and manage the sales. At last, it do some work for rich the practice of the CRM ideas.The key content of this paper is to study the application of CRM in SSF company. The whole thesis includes the following four chapters:The chapter one is the general introduction about CRM. It introduces the relevant knowledge and theories about CRM. This part falls into four sections: 1) CRM's origin and development 2) The concept of CRM. 3) The objective of CRM. 4) The advantage of CRM.The chapter two introduces why SSF would carry out CRM strategy. Through the introduction of SSF'S background, internal & external environment and its market position, it clarifies the purpose and significance of introducing CRM into SSF company through the analysis regarding the need of company reform.The chapter three researches how SSF establish the CRM strategy in its company. Firstly, it studies the purpose and conditions of the application of CRM. Secondly, it indicates the procedure to implement CRM strategy in SSF company, which includes the establishment of CRM team, the design of the scheme about how to carry out CRM, analyze CRM software and relevant technical problems as well as the evaluation of CRM application.The chapter four researches the application of CRM in SSF company. Firstly, it introduce the possible problem and resistance that SSF may face with when they start to carry out CRM. Secondly, it interprets how to make company staff to enforce CRM strategy willingly. It must solve the following problems in order to introduce CRM successfully. 1) To seek the support on CRM from the top management; 2) To develop the client-oriented enterprise culture; 3) To establish efficient team to implement CRM strategy. In the last part of this chapter, the author introduces the SSF company's CRM solution.From the structure of the thesis, it firstly introduce SSF company and the knowledge about CRM. The knowledge covers the origin, development, concept, function and content of CRM. Then, the author interprets the application and practice of CRM theory in SSF company.As we know, CRM is introduced into china as a way of enterprise management in recent years. It is a combination of service philosophy and information technology. Therefore, when CRM strategy is carried out, it must be in connection with the typical characteristics of enterprise, industry and China.
Keywords/Search Tags:customer relationship management (CRM), logistics, SSF company, application
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