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Research On The Marketing Of Commercial Banks In Yunnan Province

Posted on:2016-01-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2209330503950897Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the era that the financial industry is highly competitive, and the stream of financial innovations is taking place, as the interest rates become market-oriented,the RMB is internationalized, and the financial disinter-mediation formation becomes a tendency, it’s more and more difficult for commercial banks who rely on the traditional growth pattern of spread income, for large customers in an increasingly segmented market occupation place. As a result, big parts of commercial banks tend to look for a new breakthrough, and to comply with the changes in financial environment and national economic policies, They have to re-examine their marketing strategies and target market. Agile response to market changes, promote whole sustained, steady and healthy development of the company’s business.In the meanwhile, they developed different and individual management strategies according to their own resource endowments. The commercial banks generally are valuing the development of customers, always based on their thinking of profitability conditions and their marketing objectives of fostering long-term high-quality customer bases.Fudian Bank as a research object, outlined the basic theories from marketing to cut, this thesis expand the definition and the economic characteristics of the analysis of SME customers. In the same time, it’s on the basis of the theoretical literature at domestic and abroad, summed up the marketing strategies, objectives and development direction of Fudian Bank for SME customers. Based onFudian Bank actual conditions, there are series of feasibility analysis and argument about the existing economic situation and marketing conditions in this thesis,then summed up a set of model in the practical application of the SME customer marketing in Fudian Bank.The study purpose of this thesis, is on the base of exploration and study of marketing theories and relative commercial banks’ marketing policies, and then put forward a set of development solutions about the competing and cooperation between commercial banks, effective building of banks and enterprises cooperation platform, and in order to achieve a win-win situation of the banking and enterprise.
Keywords/Search Tags:City Commercial Bank, Fudian Bank, Marketing strategy
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