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Research On The Application Of SouFun 's Marketing Mode Transformation

Posted on:2016-08-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H N MinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2209330485953000Subject:Engineering Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a national pillar industry, China’s real estate industry has been rapid development for more than ten years, this period is also the golden period of China’s real estate industry, and China’s Internet industry has been rapid development in this period, the combination of these two industries, the birth of the real estate network marketing companies, and housing network is the leader in this industry is the highest market share of enterprises. After more than ten years of development, such as the real estate network and other real estate network marketing companies have made considerable development, and laid a certain market position However, in quite deeply influenced by the national policy and environmental impact of industry of the real estate market, these network marketing enterprises page met development bottleneck, how to explore new marketing mode, how to adapt to the constant development and changes in market demand, how to avoid into newspaper industry gradually decline back’s footsteps, and so on. These problems are to be answer is the research background.In this paper, the housing network as the research object, the current market share of the real estate website, is the world’s largest real estate home network platform, in the face of changes in the real estate market, is how to actively explore new marketing model, marketing model to respond to the rapid changes in the real estate market, in the process of transformation and what kind of problems, how to solve these problems, we need to analyze and answer one.First of all, the paper discuss the problems encountered by China’s real estate market development present situation and the real estate enterprise network marketing in the development of the current, these as a background for the analysis, the real estate market in China has gone through a golden period of development has by the seller’s market into the housing market, supply and demand changes makes the real estate enterprises pay more attention to customer for, in this case real estate website traditional online marketing model, will no longer meet the current market demand, need for transformationFollowed by the introduction of the relevant concepts and theoretical basis, the concept of real estate marketing and real estate network marketing concept, analysis of the existing real estate companies to carry out network marketing problems, the real estate network marketing encountered obstacles, and introduced the development of the current situation and the development of the situation, compared with the main competitors of the core indicators and competition points, and leads to the current real estate market environment in the development of bottlenecks, and marketing mode transformation of the necessity and urgency.Third according to the problems encountered in the current development process, the paper introduces and analyzes the adjustment of the marketing mode in the current development bottleneck period, mainly through the use of the Boston model of marketing engineering theory analysis of the development of the four business, and analyzes the problems encountered in the transformation of the housing marketing model.
Keywords/Search Tags:SouFun, real estate, network marketing, marketing model transformation
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