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On The Difference Of The Positioning Of The New Domestic Financial Magazine

Posted on:2009-01-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208360242479459Subject:Media Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the year of 2001,the"wall street journal"had been making tracking reports of Enron for 24 days,witnessing and accelerating the collapse of the largest energy company of America.The same year in Beijing,the"Financial"exposed the fraud of the"Yin Guangxia"company, dashing the largest stock market bubble of the year.In addition to display the burst of a commercial myth before the people, these reports also make people re-examine the position and the role of the financial media in the developing of commerce and society.In the process of fighting for speaking right,the new financial series developed fast and have been ranked among the mainstream media just during the past 10 years, such as"Financial","Chinese entrepreneurs","Business"and so on.These journals entered the market powerfully,but more and more problems emerged during the development of the journals. For example, some high-end positioning series like"Financial","Chinese entrepreneurs","New financial"and"New fortune"faced serious small-scale issue problem. The circulation of"Chinese entrepreneurs"with BPA certified is 150,000,and the circulation of"Financial"is 225,000, which is very small comparing to the similar journals in the foreign countries.At the same time, some journal like"Business"have reached a big circulation like 500,000, but also have to face the embarrassing of weak influence in the latter of expanding.With the development of the new financial series, some problems emerged ceaselessly, and the positioning difference of the new financial series cause for concern. Why"Financial"would meet the problem of small-scale circulation and why"Business"would burst the crisis of brand influence? In the final analysis, I think it depends on the positioning of the series.Though the positioning of the"Financial"and the"Business"is very successful, the high-end positioning of"Financial"makes its own influence and also challenges itself in the circulation.While"Business"performed well in the circulation with low-end positioning and having a large number of loyal readers.But due to lacking clear idea in the positioning and it is easy to copy the content,"Business"entered the bottleneck in the brand building.This papers will begin with the problems of the new financial series and try to find the answers.The first part of this paper is introduction and has three main points.Section 1 will discuss the formation of the new financial series and the difference of forming time, choice point of views and the reporting style between the new one and the traditional series.Section 2 will chassify the domestic new financial series with four chassifications.The last section will review the research on financial series.The second chapter will discuss the conditon of the new financial series on 3 points.Section 1 will introduce the circulation and the advertising revenue of the new financial series.Section 2 will discuss the operating problems with the example of"Financial"and"Business"as a case study.Section 3 will bring the"Three sales theory"in the discussion and study the profit models of the"Financial"and the"Business".Chapter 3 will analyse the difference of journals positioning deeply.Section 1 will introduce the positioning of the"Financial",and Section 2 will introduce the positioning of the"Business", Section 3 will study the positioning difference of this two journals from the way of area and resource, and analyse the future choice on the developing ways. Chapter 4 will summaries the positioning errors of the new financial series.Through the case study, and combined with the problems emerging in the journal-positioning, the errors will be targeted as self-centered and"nail in"phenomenon.Chapter 5 will discuss the two trends of the new financial series: groups and branded. In the discussion of the groups operating, the auther bring forward the phenomenon of capital competing in the future competiton. While in the brand-operating, the auther describes the present brand-operating models and the effectiveness briefly, and note the core of the brand-operating finally.
Keywords/Search Tags:Financial, Business, Three sales theory, Journal-positioning, Positioning-difference
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