The Ieee802.16-based Ofdma Uplink Packet Scheduling Algorithms | Posted on:2007-02-27 | Degree:Master | Type:Thesis | Country:China | Candidate:X N Wang | Full Text:PDF | GTID:2208360185468253 | Subject:Communication and Information System | Abstract/Summary: | PDF Full Text Request | In the Broadband Wreless Acess network, MAC layer packet scheduler is one of the main elements in the QoS architecture,which is to provide QoS guarantee to the packets from different upper layer applications, based on their different QoS requirements. It's suppoesd to queue various kind of data packets, allocate wireless resources, e.g. channel codes, time alots and frequency and improve the utilication of the wireless resources so as to satisfy all kinds of user's demand. In this dissertation, we mainly focus on the packet scheduling algorithm and the QoS architecture design in IEEE802.16 system.First, we give a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the associated researching background-OFDM principle and IEEE802.16 protocal. Moreover, based on the universal communication system, we simply introduce the characteristics of the packet scheduling technique. And also provide a precise description of our simulation platform and different senarios.In chapter 3 of this dissertation, we introduce the IEEE 802.16 QoS architecture and explain one successful research example of the QoS architecture and uplink scheduling for IEEE802.16. Then we analyse five classical packet scheduling algorithms for wireless system, including End Deadline First, Round Robin, Max C/I, Weighted Fairness Queuing and Proportional Fairness scheduling. We provide some performance comparation comprising their QoS guarantee, userfairness, system throughput and algorithm complexity throuth theory analysing and computer simulation.In chapter 4 of this dissertation, we propose one improved packet scheduling algorithm M-PF, which is based on the Propotional Fairness algorithm. We analyse its performance by theory analysing and computer simulation.In chapter 5, we propose an improved QoS architecture employing our M-PF packet scheduling algorithm. | Keywords/Search Tags: | BWA, packet scheduling, uplink, QoS architecture, End Deadline First, Round Robin, Max C/I, Weighted Fairness Queuing and Proportional Fairness, OFDMA, system throughput, user fairness, algorithm complexity, call delay | PDF Full Text Request | Related items |
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