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Try Teaching In High School Mathematics Teaching

Posted on:2008-12-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z M QiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207360215472067Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the reforming and opening of China, various experiments on reform of teaching method were carried out . On Trial Teaching was one of the reforms involved. The core criteria of On Trial Teaching was to give students to try and learn through their self motive learning, self participation, and non-bias investigation. The characteristics of the On Trial Teaching were to try before instructing, to do exercises, and study prior lecture. It infiltrated flexible complexity element in this Teaching strategy.1. This thesis was to describe On Trial Teaching's basic theory and its operational circumstance in applying to the mathematics teaching at intermediate level education. We also evaluated its feasibility & necessity against students'perception & capability in dealing with its new way of teaching. The writer had examined the depth of its core theory and its respective research contexts as well as its primordial to contemporary development integrating into its application in the intermediate level education so that its revelation could be viewed as an effective strategy or as otherwise inappropriate2. This thesis wanted to find out the nature of this method. Before attending the class, the tutor raised the content of the learning and its requirement for students to solve the respective exercises under their perception. During the class, students were guided to self-study through the textbooks & group discussion was encouraged. Teachers would solve the questions those students encountered The resolutions that tutor put forward in the class were specific and concise where students faced. The specific designs of class-work, on-site examining its work, and inter-discussion in class integrating with students and tutor so that students could manage this learning method.3. This thesis analyzed the basic operation and procedure of this teaching method. By using the case studies in illustrating the advancement of On Trial Teaching in instructing the knowledge on one hand and nurturing students'potential development & capacity on the other hand. This method changed the formal teaching method from one way tutorial to students'guided self-motive study and self-practice exercises before lecturing brought out. It also changed students'perception to self-investigation, and self-resolution. Under the contemporary teaching condition, tutor's main role of lecturing and students'learning could be organically combined to sustain the On Trial Teaching.4. This thesis illustrated some credential operating methods and its relative strategy in actual class lectures. For example of instructing students to bring out questions & their subsequent resolutions. It also brought up students'self-motive learning & cognitive capacity to cope with their learning strategy. Under such circumstance that the On Trial Teaching could then be renovated & fertilized into the further lecturing progress in the coming days. So that students'self-motive learning could be planted deep root and inevitably enhance the lecturing efficiency.5. This thesis tried to evaluate the preliminary practice of the On Trial Learning research. The research was mainly via paper inquiry and its atmospheric feasibility was encouraging. It not only planted the self-motive learning cognition into students, it also completing their humanity. We also brought out the least but not the last of some suggestions for manageable teaching operation and enlisted any of existing teaching dissoluble which needed our further study for its resolution.
Keywords/Search Tags:On Trial Teaching, Networking, Self-motive learning, Non-bias investigation, Evaluate research
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