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Carry Forward The The Dongpo Spirit To Strengthen High School Students' Humanism

Posted on:2007-03-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207360215469219Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It is important to pay more attention to humanistic education in today's high school students'education in China. Two reasons are to be mentioned here. Firstly, there are 367 million juveniles in China, and their ideology, as Chinese government documents have pointed, would influence the whole nation's mode of thinking, and even the future development of the nation. Secondly, great changes have taken place here in China, so is it in every aspect of our way of living. It is no wonder that some traditional humanistic values vanish at the same time, which would have great negative impact on the growth of Chinese juveniles. Some of the problems are, for example, some students lack determined will and capability of adapting themselves to frustration; some lack controlling force and creativity and etc. The lack of humanistic education and training in Chinese education is one of the reasons among many. There are, of course, many ways to strengthen humanistic education, and the idea of Dongpo is what this thesis is to study.In the thesis, the condition that humanistic education is not fully paid attention to is to be studied first of all, which leads to a conclusion that it is important and necessary to strengthen the humanistic education. Meanwhile, the positive impact to high school students of the idea of Dongpo will be studied as well.The hypothesis of the thesis is that after profound study of the idea of Dongpo, high school students will definitely care more about the harmonious relationship between human and nature, between human and society, between human and another human, and human and himself. Then high school students will long for forming perfect character, which includes belief, ideal, concept of value, meaning of life, aesthetic consciousness and psychological states, all of which will help better their quality of life.
Keywords/Search Tags:Students',
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