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Study Of School Primary Teachers' Organizations

Posted on:2008-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L BaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207360212488010Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The conflict between research group and grade group has been a long time. In fact, research group and grade group are both important, the conflict between the research group and grade group can not be avoided, but we can resolve the conflict in the constructive way.Research group and grade group are both the most important basic teacher organization, which supply the platform for teacher's professional development and teacher organization innovation. In the management of the basic teacher organization, shared responsibility mechanism, teacher drive mechanism and school based research mechanism are the support system for teacher organization, and promote the development of teacher organization and teacher's professional development. Use project management to coordinate school resource, use conflict management to balance the research group work and grade group work, use learning community to promote the teacher's professional development, in order to advance the research group work and grade group work, support the teacher's professional development, enhance the management of school. So study research group and grade group, and discuss the operation and mechanism of research group and grade group are the most important work.
Keywords/Search Tags:research group, grade group, teacher organization
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