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Henan Province Poor College Students

Posted on:2006-01-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207360155469259Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuously deepening reform in our country' s Higher education system,the scale of Higher education enlarges and takes on a developing tendency from the excellent education to the popular education. Facing the challenge of 21st century, our country began to practice the plan of thriving and prosperous country though technology of science and education and advance the reform of Higher education system. The total colleges in our country began to practice the system of paying tuition in 1997, which not only relieved the contradiction between insufficient funds from the Ministry of Finance and the needs of funds that came from the development of education but also improved the stable development of Higher education. But a lot of families' burden are increased because of the expensive tuitions, beside, the phenomenon of poor students in our province become prominent. The enrollment of colleges has expanded since 1999, which increases the number of our province's college students and poor students mostly. He Nan province is a developing agriculture province and the destitute household increase because of the indeveloped economics and various causes. As a result, the question of the poor student in our province becomes more and more serious.Now, this question is not only the question of the student, but also relating to a lot of families, which influences the development of our province's Higher education and the stability of college and society. In old days we practiced all kinds of steps such as scholarship, loan, financial aid,subsidize,reduce tuition,tuition-free et. to help the poor student to resolve the trouble in living which obtained effects in some degree. But there are still far distances between the reality and the ideas and some questions and defects also existThis article try to research further on how to resolve the question of the poor student in our province through researching based on the reality of our province. This article is composed by three parts.Firstly, according to the standard of the poor and poor especially students and the background of the impoverished in our province, I planed the related researching substance and had a random sampling in the poor student and obtained a summary of the poor student' characteristics.Secondly, I had an analysis through the research, involved the existing questions and causes in our province's the poor student and the influence on our province's High education.Finanly, based on the questions in the poor students and combined the practice in our province, I raised my measures which can manage and help them in full scale and systemily.
Keywords/Search Tags:colleget the poor student, , question, research
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