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Study Of Junior High School Mathematics Situations Teaching Strategies

Posted on:2005-11-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Z LiuFull Text:PDF
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Higher requirements for the talented people are brought up in this advanced society:(1) the unity of basic, development and creativity; (2) the unity of science technology and humanism; (3) the unity of intelligence and non-intelligence; (4) the unity of basic requirements and individuality; (5) the unity of independence and responsibility. So with the development of society, pluralistic, that is, the educational aim and value for them are pluralistic. There is no doubt that education is fixing more attention on the "human's" value, so the major object of education is the development of students. However, during the past period of education and teaching, many psychological and psychological aspects in the nature of students were not really focused, suchascorgnition, emotion, attitude, reasoning, interest, motivation, will, value, character, character of thinking, functions of mind. But these factors are decisive.The idea of new curriculum requires education should emphasize: the harmony in the development of morals, mind, and body; the adjustment of teaching aims of teaching methods and studying methods, of studying methods, of the relationship of presenting teaching materials; the shift from knowledge-concerned to ability-concerned, from result-valued to process-valued; from closed-teaching to opened-teaching, from the single-interchange of information to the multiple-interchange of information. This article is based on the necessities and the learning theory, the theory educational psychology of times. It explains the meaning of "Circumstances-teaching". It expounds the characteristics and meaning of the "Circumstances-teaching" from "What is study", "study what", "how to study" and "education application" Basing on the investigation and research of the original psychology of the mathematics study on junior school students. It explores and investigates the tactics of junior mathematics "circumstances-teaching". At last , it summarizes the theory and basic principles of "Circumstances-teaching" on the first step. The best studying state of the students should change "be asked to study" to "Want to study." However, the behavior of studying will be kept by studying motive . And the most important thing is the inside studying motive. " Circumstances-teaching" is just the core of arousing the inside studying motive-starting from knowing curiosity, breaking through "Beauty", making "emotion" the tie, making "thought" the core, making "activity" the path, and "circumstances-teaching" arouses the studying motive of the students efficiently, it also acts out the "Four regulations", "Five changes", realizes that developing students is the root, promotes the overall harmony of students. the development of personality and initiative."Circumstances-teaching" is a new model of requirement which adapts to the times, and it is also different from knowing and building. Hoping the theory of "circumstances-teaching" will be more mature and perfect basing on the research of practical exploration .
Keywords/Search Tags:junior mathematics, Circumstances, Circumstances-teaching.
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