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Outside Community Education Issues

Posted on:2002-05-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M L SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207360122466565Subject:Adult Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Community Education in some overseas countries and districts is very popular and provided with respective characteristics. Thus it accumulates abundant experiences. Some issues of those are chosen to be studied on this paper: the meaning of the community and the community education, the development of community education, the practice of community education and the trends of community education. The studies can provided edification beneficial to the high jumping-off point, self-conscious and continuable development of our country.The first chapter focus on the meaning of the community and the community education. The community have 3 essential factors: people, substance and social relationship. Some representative definitions of the community education are reviewed and then bring forward the precise meaning. Developing the community consciousness is both the opportunity and challenge to our country' s community education.The second chapter focus on the development of the community education. Community education was spontaneously developed since Industrial Revolution. While the "community development" was recognized, community education began to develop self-consciously. The polestar of lifelong education urges the development of community education. By comparing with the development of community education in our country, we can conclude that we need to renovate our concept and the government need to give more support to community education.The third chapter focus on the practice of community education. There are diversiform practice patterns overseas and can be summed up to the 5 familiar patterns: "college style" , "community education center style" , "school-society-work style" , "folklore group style" and "cooperation and expansion style " . The community college in the U.S and the civics center in Japan are studies in detail because they are representative and effectable community education practice centers. They are provided with characteristics of indemnificatory, communitious and economy. Then the edification is gained: our country' s community education need legislation, government layout, all the society to take part in, to establish community education base and to focus on community.The forth chapter focus on the trend of community education overseas. They are: learning community become the ultimate aim of community education; the development and using of the community resources becomes content-rich and individuation; improving the quality of community education is emphasized and the curriculum are expended to a higher level; the barycenter of community education turns to the elder education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Community
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