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School Students' Writing The Formation And Training Of The Personality

Posted on:2002-07-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H JiangFull Text:PDF
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Personality is the spirit of a composition However, from the earty 20th century, when Chinese was started as an independent subject, until to the end of the 1990's the personality of wrong to the position "Chinese as a refernce" the students as the target of compositon teaching has always been ignored due to the influence of at the same time, it is also influenced by the type discphine, the sclools" administration for examination only and the motle of teaching operation. As a resulf of this, composition teaching in Middle-school got into trouble deeply and couldn't help it itself. It also brought too much unuseful inflecence on students' morality, feeling and their thoughts. This text debates the necessity and importance of emphasizing the personality of students compositions at the beginning. Then it details how to raise the psychology of comosition personality for the students. And according to this, it points out the act that the personality teaching of composition should adopt and two conversions of composition teaching with it. At last, it displays the operation programme on raising the personality of studeuts compositions, it is designed by myself, which inclueles general stylity and personal stylity. The progrtunme which is at the request of,the markat economics aims to raise or improve students good personality, and rebuild their whole health personlity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Middle-school students, coposition, personalyty, raise
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