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A Study On The Teaching Of Chinese Love In High School

Posted on:2017-05-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J S JiangFull Text:PDF
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In this paper, we take the textbook of PEP edition as an example to study the love teaching in Chinese in high school. This kind of research has its practical necessity. It is not only the teaching requirements of the new curriculum standard of Chinese, but also the inevitable problem of the development of the physical and mental development of young people. Starting from the reality, this paper compares the different concepts of love education in China and foreign countries, analyzes the causes of this phenomenon, and puts forward the corresponding improvement strategies and methods.The person teaches the version required textbooks as a case analysis, both because of its universality and influence, and the influence of different background because of the different manifestations of the old and the new edition of the compilation. The author analyzes the importance and urgency of the work of love,and puts forward his own views on the problems in teaching. Starting from his own personal experience, the author studied the problems existing in the present teaching through the methods of investigation and questionnaire investigation. Through the research of this paper and the concrete teaching practice, it is proved that the. Based on this principle, this paper presents a practical approach. Concept guidance,spontaneous let students experience the noble sentiments, through specific love classics reading understanding has positive meaning of love and life view. In order to achieve this goal, the author put forward the feasible idea guiding method and the teaching design, in order to achieve the goal.
Keywords/Search Tags:love subject matter, Chinese, high school teaching
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