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Listen To The Sound Of The Wall

Posted on:2016-12-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q GuoFull Text:PDF
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"Let each wall talk" is a consensus in the present educational field. The environment of the wall culture shape effects and promotes the moral development of individuals. About the existing studies, either they superficially analysis existing problems or they analysis specialized content of the wall culture. While a systematical study based on the moral dimension is relatively rare. Taking S Primary School for example,this dissertation conducts a field—study. By presenting analyzes the discourse subject and the problems that are reflected by teachers and students, it put forwards opinions and suggestions.The dissertation is comprised of six parts. The first part is introduction, which introduces reasons, significance, existing studies and the definition of related concepts to present research design. The section part explains the selection process of the study object. Also it briefly elaborates and analyzes the overall situation of S Primary School. The third part summarized shows the content of S school’s wall culture from macroscopic angle. Studying the discourse subject is the key point of the fourth part. It analyzes with the sociological theory to space and power. The fifth part is based on teachers and students, who reflect the existed problems of the wall culture. As a responding to the fifth part, the sixth part puts forwards feasible countermeasures. In this part, "the ultimate trend of voice" doesn’t have parallel relationship with the previous two sections. It isn’t superficial suggestions no longer, but deepens into the spirit substance of the wall culture——to educate, in order to achieve the sublimation of the research topic.The study found three problems. Firstly, the content of wall culture presents four aspects:the school itself, society, country and students. Secondly, discourse subject is given to priority to managers and teachers. Student has only limited wall space of speaking. Thirdly, there are three kinds of phenomenon existed in teachers and students, especially students:not understanding, understanding but not to listen, understanding and agreement. The reasons of not understanding are that the wall culture doesn’t conform to the cognitive development. Besides, it is far away from the real life. The reasons understanding but not to listen are disorder, obsolescence and common, poignant and tough. The reasons of understanding and agreement are not they avoiding the shortcomings of the former two, but other reasons:one is the external power goes beyond the weakness of itself. The other is teachers and students really internalized them into their own heart. In a word, most primary schools can’t show enough respect for human nature, so our education has a long distance to walk for enlightenment.
Keywords/Search Tags:primary school, wall culture, enlightenment
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