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A Study On The Mainstream Ideology Of College Students

Posted on:2015-03-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z ChuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207330431489990Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Identity of the mainstream ideology is a cutting-edge topics, and the currentresearch on the mainstream ideology of identity presented relatively casual college,less so on. Especially after China’s entry into the new era, the great social changes butalso to the people, especially college students brought a profound change in terms ofideology, in the market economy, cultural diversity, social diversity of background,the mainstream ideology of Chinese college students also agree with a lot of newfeatures and new challenges. Under this background, college students as the future ofour country, agree that the socialist ideology, how to expand and consolidate collegerecognition of socialist ideology, a matter of national prosperity and revitalization ofthe nation.In this paper, based on the substance of the ideological identity, both individualand social dimensions of college students, college students on the formationmechanism of the mainstream ideology of identity to conduct a comprehensive studyand analysis of the induction system performance and identify the reasons for theweakening of the mainstream ideology of college students, college students on how toachieve recognition of the mainstream ideology of this problem, the proposed collegecreative mainstream ideology identity path. Not only has the development of thetheory, but also to strengthen the education of college students agree with themainstream ideology and ideological and political education of great strategicsignificance and practical significance. This paper focuses on the theme, divided intothree parts described.The first part, the mainstream ideology of identity overview. This is the logicalstarting point of this article, the first to make the concept of mainstream ideologydefined, explained that the value of the ideological identity of the substance identity,focusing on college students from a personal perspective and the perspective of theformation mechanism of the social mainstream ideology of college students agree thatthe intrinsic mechanisms and external mechanisms of action, while the proposedcollege inductive recognition mainstream ideology significance.The second part, college students agree with the mainstream ideology andweakening performance reasons. This section outlines and analyzes the weakeningperformance of college students agree with the mainstream ideology: conceptualizingidentity; dogmatic identity; books of identity; utilitarian identity; reverseidentity. Weakening reasons: education and influence from the mainstream ideologyout of college life; interference from Marxist crisis of faith; challenges of the Internetage college students from the mainstream ideology of identity; limitations from thetraditional educational model; weakened from the ideological and political educationof and so on. The third part of the mainstream ideology recognized college educationpath. This is the end result of this study, mainly by building mechanisms mainstreamideology recognized college system, strengthen education college life and thetightness of the mainstream ideology, education and guidance to achieve mainstreamideology and subjectivity play college uniform, focusing on the University Studentsrecognition of the mainstream ideology of education, insist on strengthening Marxisttheory with the ideological and political education of college students and othercollege students agree on ways to strengthen the social mainstream ideology.
Keywords/Search Tags:college students, mainstream ideology, identity
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