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An Analysis Of The Feasibility Of The Development Of Campus Golf In

Posted on:2015-03-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207330431482169Subject:Humanities and sociology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Golf has a history of more than five hundred years, but it onlyhas almost30years in China. So we certainly can not compare the development of golfin China with those countries in Europe and the United States, but there is not doubtthat in recent years, the golf developing speed in China is quite astonishing. We arelearning from countries who are relatively mature in golf developing and using theirexperience for reference. And now we are gradually walking toward to the normaldevelopment of golf. However, with the rapid development of golf in China, the lackof professional talents become one of the important factors that restrict the healthydevelopment of golf industry in our country. The cultivation of talents lies in education.As an important field of golf management talent cultivation, golf management andeducation of institutions of higher learning in our country is still in its infancy, and thecourse construction is one of the key projects of the education construction, and is thebasic unit to realize training target. Thus, we can see the necessity and inevitability tocarry out "campus golf". At present, the momentum of golf development is rapid andhas good prospects, especially in China’s major cities and coastal provinces. Golf hasbeen slowly approaching the public consciousness, and come to campus life. There aremore and more colleges and universities, and even kindergartens, primary andsecondary schools which have been holding different forms of golf courses, interestclasses, or training classes. And also in Sichuan, under the influence of the sports call,golf is booming.This thesis mainly uses the method of multiple means including the method ofdocumentary, logical analysis, the case method, the actual interview method andstatistical method to analyze the feasibility of "campus golf" developing inSichuan.Through the perspective of sociology and culture, this article make usunderstand clearly about the nature of golf development. At the same time, accordingto reading home and abroad literature works about the open golf courses in collegesand universities, we understand the theoretical basis and practical significance of thedevelopment of the "campus golf". Through the understanding of the overalldevelopment of golf, and then after a large number of literature work, we can sum upthe realizability of "campus golf" in Sichuan. And we can not only get a deeperunderstanding of the nature of golf development, by studying abroad experience ofgolf development, we also clear the current status of the domestic golf development sothat we can provide more suggestions and comments for our country golf industrydevelopment. To explore the practical significance of the "campus golf" development,and understand the relationship of "campus golf" and golf development, so we providemore and convenient opportunities for people to contact golf, and lay the foundationfor the popularity of golf work, so as to deliver more golf talent. By analyzing the situation of "campus golf" carrying out in different schools in Chengdu, and bydrawing lessons from foreign universities and colleges about golf development status,we can provide experiences and references and then lay a solid foundation for thepopularity of golf in Sichuan area. Through the situation of "campus golf" inChengdu, it can give quite a lot questions and suggestions for the whole developmentof "campus golf", and it can also put forward relevant countermeasures for thedirection of China’s golf industry development.
Keywords/Search Tags:campus golf, feasibility, development of nature, limitingfactor, countermeasure analysis
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