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Our Public Crisis Communication Studies

Posted on:2011-03-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L P LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360305459815Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the reform and opening up, China has made considerable development in political, economic, cultural and social fields. Meanwhile, the conflicting between population, environment and economic development is getting more and more obvious, and sometimes it results in kinds of emergency. With the number of public crisis growing in recent years, our government is accused lack of management communication when public crisis occurred. Public crisis management in government information communication has become the hot issue of society. Public crisis management information communication means some kinds of process that could commit meaningful exchange of information management organization between public crisis management organization and public or other organizations. Freely information exchange will not only help and make sure the public crisis get quickly and effectively resolved, but also raise the ability to cope with public crisis.First, this paper discusses studies on the topics and the significance of this work, reviews the research results at home and abroad, and describes the research method and framework. Second, it defines the public crisis, information as well as public crisis information and analyses public crisis information's feature; according to information theory, cybernetics and systems theory on the transmission of information the general process:"source, encoder, channel, decoder, the letter places," a more detailed analysis of public crisis in the information transfer process, deeply analyses the principal part, channel, manners, and system when information exchange happened in public crisis, and indicated that the communication play an important role in public crisis. Combined with the actual communication from the main body of the channels and methods to analyze the crisis of our public communication problems that exist, such as information clog, lack of government-centered public crisis communication, part information disclosure and news media's miss operation. Finally, it comes up with a thinking to eliminate the barrier of information exchange in public crisis that referred in the third part.
Keywords/Search Tags:public crisis, government, information communication
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