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The US Policy Towards Yugoslavia During The Conflict In Southern Jiangsu

Posted on:2009-10-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360245962784Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The rupture of the relationship between the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia was a tragedy among the international communist movement early 1948. The world socialist cause suffered the first-strike since World War II. This conflict which shocked the whole world became more puzzling because it occurred under the East-West Cold War. So the US-led Western alliance who initially suspected the authenticity of this incident didn't believe that the relationship between the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia would really break. However, with the conflict's upgrade, especially after Yugoslavia was expelled from the Communist Party Intelligence Bureau in June 28,1948, the United States pleasantly surprised to found that the socialist camp was no longer monolithic, and it has emerged the United States' hoped phenomenon in the East camp which headed by the Soviet Union. Therefore, the United States began to carefully contact with Yugoslavia. Generally speaking, however, the United States had been wary of addition this time, so he took bland attitude towards this conflict all the while.As a further deterioration of relations between the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, the United States finally formulated and implemented a policy of assistance to Yugoslavia early 1949, tried to cultivate Yugoslavia as his deputy in the socialist camp. Therefore, from early 1949 to 1954, the United States helped Yugoslavia to confront the Soviet Union through political, economic, military and other forms of assistance. Yugoslavia also actively sought USAID under the Soviet Union and other socialist countries' strong pressure. However, this time the assistance of the United States to Yugoslavia was not static, which not only contained twists and turns and reversals, but also the focus had also changed. The variability of such assistance depended on the relationship between Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union and the evolvement of the strategic goals of the United States.May 1955, Khrushchev led the Soviet government delegation to visit Yugoslavia initiatively, to actively sought reconciliation with Yugoslavia. The relationship between the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia gradually relaxed in the following two years. The United States saw this unwillingly. However, Josip Broz Tito who vigorously pushed the Non-Aligned Movement never to return to the socialist camp, Yugoslavia was still the target for the United States and the Soviet Union because he still dissociated between the two camps. Given this situation, the United States during this period took a "both assistance and strike" policy: on the one hand continued to implement assistance to Yugoslavia for contesting with the Soviet Union; on the other hand from time to time to stop assistance to Yugoslavia for warning him not to return to the socialist camp. This contest of Yugoslavia between the United States and the Soviet Union came to an end until the end of 1957.There were some twists and turns and full of struggle in Yugoslavia's post-war relations with the United States. The development of the relations in close contact with the changes of the relations between Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union, it reflected the contest with Yugoslavia between the United States and the Soviet Union. From the whole period of the conflict and the gradual reconciliation between the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, the United States' policy of Yugoslavia changed and adjusted constantly. The changes of relations between Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union were the most direct and most superficial reason in this variety, in addition, there were many deep-seated reasons. Meanwhile, the United States' policy of Yugoslavia also showed different content and features of different stages.
Keywords/Search Tags:The conflict between the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, The United States, Yugoslavia, Policy
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