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Improve And Perfect The Social Security System Analysis On The,

Posted on:2009-05-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q DiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360242996205Subject:Scientific Socialism and the international communist movement
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The establishment of the social security system can not be separated from its theoretical research. Practice must be based on scientific theories, and thus promotes the development of the social security system. The social security system is one that the country provides its people with the basic living standards, depending on its legislation, and is a basic living right of every member of society. The writer of this paper believes that as a security system, the social security system mainly include the arrangements of social insurance, social assistance, social welfare, the special care and placement system, and commercial insurance. The social security system is an important mechanism for the country to further consolidate social fairness and justice, as well as a major method to ensure the reproduction of labor power, to better rational and orderly labor flow, and to optimize the allocation of resources. Through the distribution and redistribution of socialist national income, the social security system has a valuable function as investment and financing. In the new period, we must deepen the understanding of the spirit of the 17th National People's Congress, and further improve the social security system under the guidance of the scientific concept of development, as is the inexorable requirements of the harmonious development of our country's economic society.Since the founding of New China, our country started building and improving social security system. The construction of the system stagnated, and even backed during the infamous Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), but it quickly rehabilitated and developed as the reform and opening-up were introduced. The social security system emphasizing on social insurance has been established in our country, but it covers a narrow area and is of low level. We still have a long way to go. There are imperfections in the current system, which is the focus in improving our social security system. Currently, the factors affecting the development of our country's social security system mainly include the dual structure in urban and rural economy, the diversified forms of ownership, and the uneven development level of different areas. To improve the social security system in our country, we must overcome these negative factors.The development of the social security system is a step-by-step and long-lasting process. Therefore, to improve the system, we must know that its development should be kept in pace with the development of economy and be relatively balanced in different areas and different social classes, that the system is hierarchical, and that the social fairness and market efficiency should be combined. Further more, we need to consider what objective problems we have and what experience we can learn form other countries in improving the system, based on China's current condition. China is now in the most difficult stage in reform, and is going through a critical period in the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. So to improve the social security system, we should also focus on the reform of social insurance system, and the making full use of it. Commercial insurance should be vitalized and serve as a supplement. The social security funds should be raised through a variety of channels, building a diversified and effective mode, and its control and operating mechanism should be improved, through which it can better serve the social security system. The Legal System of the social security system should be improved as well.
Keywords/Search Tags:social security system, improve, social assistance, commercial insurance
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