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Notes Package To Buy Legal Issues

Posted on:2008-08-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H B XiangFull Text:PDF
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Forfaiting is a kind of financial instrument. The Forfaitor buys draft orpromissory note, which is usually accepted by exporter's bank, from importerwithout any recourse. As a simple way of finance,forfaiting business has a longhistory in international financial market. It came of East-West Trade in thetwentieth century. In the early 1990s, some foreign subsidiary banks of ChinaBank launched forfaiting business in succession. Then some domestic banksintroduced this financing instrument into Chinese market. Until 2001, most ofChinese domestic Commercial Banks and Ex-im Banks launched the frffaitingbusiness early or late. In the early days of the forfaiting instrument introduced intoChina, not only the banking circles but the business circles were not familiar withthe characteristics and advantages of forfaiting business. But along with thequantum jump of China export-trade, more and more export-centered enterpriseswere cognizant of the value that diverted risks and improved the conditions of cashflow of forfaiting. In recent years, along with the increasing financing demand ofexport-centered enterprises, forfaiting business developed rapidly.The international forfaiting business contains complicated rights-obligationsrelationship between the parties, which comes down to legal issues in manyrespects. There is a very short time since the forfaiting was introduced into China.So the export-centered enterprises and banks are lack of knowledge concerning theABC, operation process, risk control of forfaiting business. What's more, the legalissues such as the transfer of creditor's rights, non-recourse exception, lawapplication and judicial jurisdiction are not well comprehended by them. Anotherreason which induced this complexion is that the legal rules and systems onforfaiting are faulty. As to China, there are no legal regulations and systems forforfaiting. Thus enhancing the study on forfaiting from a legal perspective is ofgreat academic value. In order to have exporters and practitioners of banks knowmore about forfaiting business and make use of this instrument to keep away fromor divert risks of transaction, this dissertation tries to make some references topractice and legislation for forfaiting from a legal perspective, based on foregonetheory and current practice. Four parts included in this thesis are as follows:Part A: Basic theories concerning forfaiting: Explaining the concept offorfaiting, exploring the origin, development of forfaiting. Nailing down the legalcharacter. Introducing the characteristics and value of forfaiting. It providespreparative theory for further discussion in the following text by this.Part B: Operation flow of forfaiting business and some legal issues involvedin the transaction process. Firstly, introducing the basic operation flow of forfaitingbriefly by five steps. Secondly, making clear the parties taking part in thetransaction and the sectors in which legal disputes easily come into being. Thirdly,analyzing the obligations and rights between the forfaiting parties,and highlightingthe fundamental elements of forfaiting disputes. Then this thesis discusses the legalregulations and systems conceming forfaiting constructively, such as recourserights issues, transfer issues of account receivable, operation risk eontrol,lawapplication and judicial jurisdiction, etc. This is the secondary emphasis of thisdissertation. During the discussion, the author introduces the "IFA guidelines", the"user's guide to the IFA guidelines" and some judicial precedents. At last, theauthor gives some suggestions on how to regulate forfaiting business and keepaway from risks.Part C: Analyzing the current legal regulations and systems on forfaiting.Firstly, explaining the status quo of legal regulations and systems on forfaitingfrom two perspectives based on investigation over current international codicesabout forfaiting. Then analyzing the problems consisting in current regulations andsystems bodily. It establishes base for further discussion on how to build perfectChinese forfaiting regulations and systems in the following part.Part D: Pondering over how to develop forfaiting business in China from alegal perspective. Firstly, in the light of international forfaiting market experiences,this thesis puts forward advice on regulating and optimizing forfaiting businessfrom eight aspects. Secondly, the author gives idea for legislation on regulatingforfaiting. Lastly, envisioning the blueprint of forfaiting in China. Using of thisdynamic financing technique which will prove itself of the same inestimable valuein the development of the Chinese economy as it has in that of Europe's andindeed the world's.
Keywords/Search Tags:Forfaiting, Legal relationship, Regulations and Systems, Forfaiting Regislation
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