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Standardization Process In Antitrust Thinking

Posted on:2007-12-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B HuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As economy develops and technology progresses, globalization has taken shape. In order to communicate with each other, more and more people tend to behave under one mode according to uniform rules. That is, people establish one standard, popularize it, then take corresponding actions in accordance with such standard, the whole process is called standardization. Ones who do not measure up to the standard can' t take part in the competing market. So we got a conclusion that the person who is the master of standard is the person who commands the rules of competition , the person who controls the process of standardization is the person who dominates the development of technology.Anyway, modern standards, especially technological ones suffered great difficulty during its establishment and enforcement. The reason lies in that modern standard is no longer just about length, weight, volume etc, but involves some technological factors, which are held by some technology giants.Patent right provides enough and absolute protection to scientific inventions, so patent owner has the power to monopolize market. Therefore, multinational companies take great efforts to scientific research as well as apply patent rights for its products, in order to make their products the standard in the relevant market, and to control the whole play in the end. As the largest developing country, China realized the importance of making competition standard, the lessons we have drawn from many law cases make us reflect on our intellectual property rights systems once again to resist standard monopoly coming from the patent owners. The research on such aspects has great significance for the future standard development. That is also the main task of the paper, which is composed of six sections.
Keywords/Search Tags:technology standard, patent right, anti-trust
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