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On Trademark Dilution And Anti-dilution Protection

Posted on:2007-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H GengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360185479870Subject:Civil and Commercial Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The trademark is the important intangible asset of enterprise, it represents the images of enterprises, it condenses enormous value. Meanwhile, it is apt to suffer infringement from all respects too. One important infringement is trademark dilution, which requires us offer special Anti-dilution protection to famous trademarks and other noted trademarks. Study this problem is very significant to protect the legal rights and interests of the owner of a trade mark better, and maintain the market economy order.Trademark dilution: the prominence and inherent value is weakened because of the use by other people. Beginning with the basic theory of the trademark dilution, through studying the dilution theory and legislate investigation in every country ,the text analyzes all respects of the trademark dilution issue in all-round way, and get the idea for improving our country trademark dilution in term of legislating.This text is divided into six chapters. Chapter one is introduction. Chapter two expounds the historical development of the countries all over the world by the trademark dilution. This chapter introduces Germany, U.S.A., France, Japan briefly, in which we should absorpt some good results. Chapter three is the theory analysis of the trademark dilution. This chapter defines the intension of the trade mark dilution, through the contrasts of the trade mark dilution theory and traditional trade mark privileges protection theory, announces the value of the trade mark dilution. It also expounds specific legal nature of and the object. Chapter four expounds the constituent elements about the trademark. This chapter is a focal point. This chapter expounds the way, performance, subjective important...
Keywords/Search Tags:trademark, dilution, Anti-dilution protection, legislation
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