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China Denial System

Posted on:2006-05-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H HuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360152985102Subject:Civil and Commercial Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Corporation is a typical form for enterprise organization in the modern society. The corporation obtains its independent personality due to the establishment of corporation system. The system also entitles the stockholders the limited liability. It greatly stimulates the activity of the investors and promotes economic development. The limited liability of shareholders is the cornerstone of the modern corporate law, it is the key of the corporate laws, which constitutes the two important pillars for the company system. But the limited liability system lays emphasis on protecting the benefit of shareholders, and neglects of protecting communal benefit and others. But the limited liability system lays emphasis on protecting the benefit of shareholders, and neglects of protecting communal benefit and others. In practical life, the advantageous position of the shareholders of the corporation is bound to result in the danger of shareholders (shareholders with controlling shares) trying to intermingle the corporate conduct with their own personal wills. In attempt to maximize their interests, the shareholders with controlling shares will use their dominant position in the corporation to engage in conduct that is abusive to the corporate personality, and hurt the interests of creditors, so as to achieve the purpose of transferring the cost of business risks to the creditors. With the rapid development of the economy, the problems of the corporation occur with a regularity and things are getting worse and worse. The concept of disregarding the corporate personality is a way of dealing with the notable problems of the abuse of the corporate personality. This concept dated back to the 19th century America, it became popular in UK and Germany earlier in the 20th century, and was adopted by Japan in the 1950s. This concept effectively helps to achieve equitableness through making afterwards remedies to the negative effects the corporate legal personality system produced, makes the just and fair goal of legal spirit into reality, and thus promotes the development of the corporate  system. In our country, the concept of disregarding the corporate personality has not found recognition in law yet, which lead to the difficult of solving such problems in practice. The legislation still lags far behind. To deal with the notable problems of the abuse of the corporate personality, it is essential of establishing disregarding of the corporate personality principle in our legal system. In view of this, this essay attempts to give a preliminary discussion of the theory on disregarding of the corporate personality in our country, thoroughly discuss different views about whether to establish this principle or not, and put forward some suggestions of how to establish it in our legal system. There are three parts in this essay. The first part talks about the real meaning of the concept of disregarding the corporate personality. Aiming at several wrong thoughts about this concept in our academic circles, the writer tells about the original of this name through the way of translating the concept of disregarding the corporate personality, and gives some suspicion of it. The writer denies wrong thoughts in academic circles for a long time after analyzing the logic contradictions in real meaning and external meaning. Furthermore the writer talks about the real meaning of the theory through the responsibility of corporations ,the practice of legislature and the implementation of the rules in many other countries. The second part gives a brief introduction about different options about whether to introduce the concept of disregarding the corporate personality in our country, and puts forward different view about "objecting theory". This essay suggests that the theory should be introduced to our country, and such as the significance: making the just and fair goal of legal spirit into reality and promoting the development of the corporate law. The third part is the key part in this essay. It explains the design for the introduction of the legal theory to our country. Based on our country's reality problems and other countries' related practical conditions, the writer analyzes and explains the application of condition, elements of this theory, and gives suggestions of how to avoid abusing the theory in the practice. The writer hopes the essay will provide the reference to the further practice.    From our specific operation of corporate personality, it is urgent for us to establish the concept of disregarding the corporate personality. Therefore, we, no matter in academic circles or practical circles, must strengthen the research and exploration on the issue to make our corporation system more perfect day by day.
Keywords/Search Tags:corporate personality, disregarding the corporate personality, limited liability
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