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Improve Our Electoral System

Posted on:2005-06-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T ChenFull Text:PDF
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Voting system, which symbolizes the democratization of a country, directly influences the constitution of the deputies as well as the constitution of all the officials within the "one government and two departments" . It is, as a matter of fact, the vitals of democracy and rule of law and of great importance to the stabilization of the regime.In recent years, much has been achieved in our voting system. Not only did it effectively avoid the "money war" that occurs in voting in many capitalist countries, but it also became a special social system of our own, which was quite in accordance with the current situation of our country and was also with the support of the people.Nevertheless, problems that have occurred during the voting process should not be ignored. Instead, they should be highlighted by whatever departments concerned. For example, we can see, by examining the current voting system of our country, that all laws concerning voting ?from the nomination of candidates to the discussion to the final decision of the candidates list (whether it is the election of a deputy or the election of a government official) ?are full of the smell of organizations and administrations. In other words, they are ironed with the mark of "power" ; the key problem about a voting system - the operation as well as the security of rights of voting and of being voted -is in want of concrete and operational rules. Especially for the rights of being voted, ensuring rules are even scarcer. It seems that this voting system of ours is not a rights insurance system, but rather a system of the organization and administration of the voting activity.During the voting practice, many people even regard the voting activity as an activity for personnel arrangement. Meanwhile, the voting organizations in some parts of the country, owing to their biased understanding of the rules in the constitution and the law, require a certain proportion of people from all walks of life to be elected as the deputy of people' s congress, and in most cases the number is too strictly set and allows even no proper changes.Due to the forced regulation of the proportion of deputies, an election district must choose some deputies of a certain race, gender, profession or party without considering whether this particular person is representational or not. This way of setting a particular guideline to "ensure election" narrows the choices down to a small circle for voters to choose from. In most cases voters have no other choice but to vote for a certain person, which fades the election of its democratic color. As a consequence, more and more voters tend to be unwilling toward and even disgusted at the election.Furthermore, within any well-developed voting system, a campaign is always the climax and the most important component of an election. The candidate, through the campaign(s), tries to sell himself to the public, selling his political views as well as his certain promises to the voters. At the sametime of winning the voters' confidence, he also declares to the people that he is willing to shoulder the concerning responsibility of social politics and individual morals. On the other hand, through the campaign(s), the voters can also find a loyal deputy of their own interests. However, in China, we do not have this vital component, campaign, in our voting system. Thus the significance of having an election disappears greatly. In China, a candidate does not have to introduce himself, and even does not need to meet his voters. Although, acknowledgedly, voters have the right to choose a candidate, the choosing has nothing to do with their interests. It is rather a choice of the candidate' s profession, social status and social influence.Once the candidate is elected, he does not have to shoulder the responsibility of fighting for the rights and justice of the voters. What he has is only a social honor for himself. Another noteworthy phenomenon is, due to the fact that some specific issues such as direct election, multi-candidate election and election supervision are not w...
Keywords/Search Tags:Consummate, Deficiency, Votuy System
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