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Improve The Investment Environment In Yunnan Province Empirical Research

Posted on:2004-08-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360095951338Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Investment environment must be faced problem by all of the undevelopment countries and districts, who can be create need for very well investment environment to attract investors in its economic development process by reason of lack capital. Yunnan province should have more outstanding achievement by making use of particular resources advantage, position advantage and inhere existence advantage. But the statistical data shows that attractional Foreign investment capital is only 0.66 billion dollars in recently three years. And investment capit a] intake from the other districts of the inner country and social capital are not adequate. It is a real bottleneck of economic development for yunnan province.The article see the all of the factors as a organism, and it is based on the economic theory, we research those problems by empirical study method, place emphasis on the characteristic in the west and yunnan province and provide the policy and suggestions. For what the policy and suggestions are scientific , empirical , authentic and operative.The outside investors are only the investors from foreign countries originally. But fortunately, it is not fit for the trend of international economic unity and not suitable to the principle of national treatment.So the outside investors is not only the investors from foreign countries but also the investors from the other districts of the inner country in the article. The investment environment not only includes the tough but also includes the soft investment environment. According to the practical situation of the west and yunnan province, the article places emphasis on the studying the improvements of the investment soft environment.Traditional Comparative Advantage Theory only explains the sufficiency of attracting the foreign investment from view of the nation gift. But the theory has more limitation because of the different of the practice and the theory. The Trade Cost Theory further explains to make up to deficiency of inhere comparative advantage if only improve invest environment. The theory explains the other aspects not be neglected from the necessary and possibility of attract the foreign investment.The factor that affects the investment environment must be made clear in process of research. But the factor of investment environment effect is different between the inner and outer and between the east and the west of China. The model is not a fixed model.The form of international cooperation project is important content in process of attract the foreign investment , specially , attract the investment from foreign counties. Therefore, it is the important content about risk management of cultural conflict in the international cooperative project how to set up the good cultural environment and resolve the cultural conflict.The empirical study is further carried out on the base of the theory study in order to make the policy and suggestion as operative. Yunnan province has the investment special character of the west. The shanghai city is the central city in the cast. So there is mature experiences in shanghai. Chongqing city is not only the fourth independent city but also the centralcity of the west-south. During the innovation and open ing, both cities haveefficient try on the hand of improving the soft investment environment. Xian city is located in the west-north and create the efficient experiences such as one office and two centers, work in one office and charge with one receipt about improving the soft investment environment. The economic developed departments from twenty eight cities or districts sums up the experiences about improving the soft investment environment from the other view . The article sums up the polity and suggest that is suitable to the yunnan province through the compositive analysis.
Keywords/Search Tags:improve, yunnan province, soft investment environment
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