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Examine The History Of The Concept Of Equality Of Pierre Leroux

Posted on:2003-10-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H BiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360095451835Subject:Scientific socialism and international communist movement history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Pierre leroux was a famous French petty - bourgeois fantastic socialist in the 19th century. Not only his view on the three political slogans of the French Revolution was very special, but also his disclose on the un-equality and completet explanation to equality. He considered that equality, which consisted of Race Quality,Nation Equality and Sex Equality, etc,should be everywhere. His theory, especially his full explaination of "Equality",is still brilliant now,for human being hopes on seeking for e-quality,just as leroux quoted from Leibniz, 'it gives rise to nowadays which is based on the past and embodies the future'.This thesis is composed of three parts.Part One is a comparison of the views of equality between Leroux and two enlightenments, with a full introduction, three aspects are studied. There is the gread difference between leroux's Human Equality and Class Equality of the two enlightenments. On the other, the implication of their theory on eqaulity is clear because of the difference of their backgrounds. Then ,the author also puts forward some facts to analyse Leroux ' s theory on equality which made known that all men should be equal is more advanced, while the enlightments' theories are in the nature of ideal,relative and classical.Part Two is the difference between the idea of equality of politicians' and that of leroux' s , three perspectives are touched here. First, the author gives high praise of his noval and original views, his original aspect was his single entity on the French Revolution's slogan of Freedonu Equality and Universal Love. Second,Leroux considered although it had been used as a jurisdiction principle, equality should be everywhere. His views was quite different to Hobbes' and Lock's. Third, leroux's theorybecame fantastic because of his petty - bourgeois' Limitation of establishing religious socialism, while on the other hand, some others of his age agreed establishing Democratic Republicanism.Part Three is the comparision of the theory on equality between Leroux' and Marx'. To begin with, the author analyseses the views of them to make sure that leroux' theory is idealism, while on the other hand,Marx' theory,which builds on the foundation of material and historical, is scientifical.
Keywords/Search Tags:Equality
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