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Marx's Theory Of Economic Growth A New Probe

Posted on:2003-01-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J G HouFull Text:PDF
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The classical Marxist writers always attached importance to the issue of economic growth. In Marxist model, growth rate is dependent upon organic component of capital (OCOC), surplus value rate (SVR) and accumulation rate (AR). Marxist theory of economical growth is about the production of material goods. It won't bring any change to this model, however, to include the service sector, that is, the 3rd industry, into it. In this article, I conclude a formula: G= , in which 'G' is for growth rate of Total Social Output Value, 'g' for growth rate of GDP, L for productivity rate during base period, for Labor Productivity during report period. Since the "7th 5-Year-Plan" is put into practice in China, the organic component of capital and surplus value rate have showed in general a trend of rising, and the accumulation rate remained about 0. In the "10th 5-Year Plan" Period, the growth rate of GDP of China was about 7.64%. Science and Technology factor contributes great to economical growth by changing the above-mentioned factors. In the process of economical growth, there must maintain a proportional relation between Category Division I and II. Given no capital flow, the two Category Divisions will have the same growth rate if both have the same OCOC, SVR and AR; the Category Division with a low OCOC will have a higher growth rate if both have the same SVR and AR. Given the capital flow, the one with a net capital input will have a higher growth rate. The unbalanced capital flow, if compatible with the structure of the Category Division I, will bring no effect on the general growth. To adjust the investment rate and to direct the capital flow are the important measures to maintain a stable economy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx', s
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