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Integration Of Government Power In The Context Of Globalization

Posted on:2002-10-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360032956868Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
AbstractGlobalization is one of the most important characters of moderntimes. There are tremendous influence from Globalization for everygovemment, specialty Globalization gives different kinds of extrusioneffects to govemments. So it produced Some requirements aboutintegration of government power. The essay researched and analyzed infucence and new characters which took place during of Globalizationfrom the angle of GIobaIization. On the basis, the author brought fOdrisome new ideas for our realities.The essays is as fOllows:Part one fThe essay analyzed general characters of G1obalizationand influence that factors incIuded in Globa1ization gave government'spower, using ideas of diaIectical materialism. At the same time. it gavea historical reviewed analysis to unanimity betWeen government'spower and development of Globalization from the angle of politicaldevelopment and evolvement of economic theory.Part two f The essay analyzed the diIemma which Iies in the processof power in tegraition under the back groural of GIobalization fromthese aspects about countries' sovereignty development of economicsand culture. democratic politics and relations betWeen center authoritiesand 1icitlyPari three; In view of weakness of related researches, the authorgave some suggestions on how to overcome problems which take placeduring the course of migration of govemment's power.,...
Keywords/Search Tags:Globalization
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