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China Shipping Industry Co., Ltd. Operates The Development Of Strategic Research

Posted on:2002-07-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360032456722Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This dissertation discusses, under the circumstance of the world抯 main trend, peace and development, as well as the world economic integration, the inner conditions and the outside circumstance of China Shipping Industry Co.,Ltd(CIC) as an enterprise mainly focusing on ship repairing and its relating industry from strategic point of view. And in accordance with the goal set, an exact plan is made to assure CIC of the leading position in the future ship repairing market in China, and a seat in the international ship repairing market. The dissertation has four chapters. The first one is the analysis of the current situation and future development trend of the international ship repairing market. With the steady increase of the world economy and trade, ocean shipping industry is being developed. Moreover, the increase of the transportation ships and the aging of the ships promote the development of the world ship repairing industry. At the same time, the large and specialized tendency of ships in the world demands more for the basic facility and technical capacity of the ship repairing industry. The excessive development of the world ship repairing capacity makes the world ship repairing more competitive. Due to the character of the large proportion of the cost of labor in ship repairing industry, the world ship repairing capacity is increasing rapidly in low cost region. It goes without saying that the world ship repairing center tends to turn to East Asia. This will bring great opportunity to China. The second unit is the analysis of the current situation and the future development trend of the national ship repairing. By means of the analysis from the aging of our national ships and the unreasonable ship structure to the rapid increase of foreign ship ported, it points out the tendency of the development of the national ship repairing. The large and specialized tendency of the ships of China, especially of China Shipping Group threatens the CIC, and it demands more for the basic facility and technical capacity. In China ship repairing industry has got more than 4,000,000 dwt dock capacity and its coefficient is around 9% now, which reaches the world average. We can even repair the VLCC of 300,000 dwt. CSSC, Ill COSCO and CIC, the three major ship repairing enterprises in China, are turning to be more advanced in ship repairing. The third unit is the analysis of the inner conditions of the CIC from the sides of location, capital, facility, skill, marketing, management and labor. etc can only repair ships under 65,000 dwt, low income from repairing foreign ships and has not achieved scale economy. The 4th unit is the measures to be taken under the outside circumstance and the inner conditions, with the combination of the enterprise抯 aim orientation. Ole has to take following measures. (1). Increase the ship repairing capacity to 200,000 dwt, and withdraw from ship repairing market for vessels under 10,000 dwt. (2). With the goal of developing technology to develop production and repairing skill.(3).To readjust organization structure, develop large scale economy.(4).To regulate marketing policy, increase foreign ships?output value ratio, enforce personnel management and vigor of the enterprise.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ship repairing, China shipping industry Co., Ltd(ClC), Dock, Management Development Strategy
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