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A Study On The System Of Prohibiting Prohibition In Ancient China

Posted on:2017-02-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X W ShangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206330503986201Subject:Legal history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In ancient times, the marriage was not taboo at first. Marriage taboo gradually increased, after a long process, the formation of a specific ban marriage system. This paper makes a comprehensive exposition of the development context of the ban marriage system from the angle of historical change.Ban marriage system is originated in the age and the seniority in the family, and then develop to the blood and more taboo. “The Yin people get married, do not distinguish the surname”, initially there is no limit on isonymous marriage. Since the Zhou Dynasty, has the same surname marriage is not conducive to the reproduction of ideas.Xizhou Dynasty,no intermarriage is found. Marriage system in the Xizhou Dynasty etiquette norms based,follow the principle of patriarchal hierarchy, maintain patriarchal hierarchy of family relationships, It has laid the foundation of the Chinese ancient marriage system. Ancient marriage ban system originated from the ceremony, prohibited by legal sanctions,gradually establish a series of prohibition of marriage system. However, the contradiction between the ancient ban marriage system and the reality is worthy of study.In short, through the understanding of the origin of the ban marriage system evolution and so on, so that we have a comprehensive grasp of the contents of the ancient ban marriage system. At the same time, through the comparison of historical facts and legal regulations banned marriage system, in order to show the face that the situation of Chinese ancient ban marriage system.
Keywords/Search Tags:ancient, ban marriage system, law
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