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Enlightenment And Variation: The Communist Party Of China 's Artistic Propaganda To Farmers

Posted on:2016-06-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206330482974445Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article is from the perspective of Marxism dissemination and publicity campaign literature to examine the CPC Central Soviet territory in western Fujian, southern Jiangxi, etc. in order to carry out as the center of Ruijin Central Soviet Area. In such studies sight, this paper attempts to answer the CCP literary campaign against Soviet farmers what specific response; intended to achieve what the target; what specific and vivid form of propaganda; they also carry the kind of publicity content; achieve what practical effect; what enlightenment. Based on this analysis, the design of the research ideas.Central Soviet expedition in which the background, from the economic and social, political and cultural aspects discussed Soviet peasants in the Soviet revolutionary base construction process have exhibited some features. That political understanding, ideas, mental status, educational level, etc.. showed some lag. Because the majority of the peasants by the limitations of the long-term impact of feudal society and their own ideological and cultural level, they are for themselves in the economic and social environment, sometimes not knowing, let alone conscious. Even in the face of the CCP’s call for agrarian revolution, they are always cautious. These improvements on the spiritual realm, not intense agrarian revolution can happen overnight. Therefore, the CPC must increase their enlightenment and publicity to mobilize the enthusiasm of its revolutionary publicity and mobilization in many ways, the art publicity play an important role to play substances such as incentive can not be replaced.After Soviet art publicity against the background to do the analysis, but also combines the CPC Central Soviet determined agrarian revolution and armed struggle against the general policy of the background, and then the relevant historical basis for determining the Communist Soviet peasant art publicity to be desired objectives. In general, the time is to solve the Soviet Communist Party and its attitude towards the peasants carried out a series of activities, emotional, and other initiatives.From the perspective of targeted propaganda, Soviet publicity literature specific form in this paper are mainly involved in theater, songs, posters. These forms of publicity have won the people’s favorite, again their unique constitute a publicity advantage of the Red Army and the Soviet government publicity network. As a comprehensive theater arts to create rich and vivid image of the art and known, but it is sometimes limited by the stage performances, props and other material conditions; ballad is an effective way to motivate and call the presence of emotion hair, but it sung inclusive, less limited time, space, etc.; Illustrated with simple lines sketched humorous satire of Soviet peasants image and greatly loved. Together, these flexible forms of publicity are different according to the needs of the time and space to play its unique advantages of publicity.Its main contents of publicity, the publicity surrounding the main task of the agrarian revolution and armed struggle and start a nutshell are:ideology inspired publicity theme; publicity theme of political consciousness; inspired by the spirit of the theme. Specifically, as to the nature of the Communist Party of China and advocated propaganda, for exposing the hostile forces, for the suffering of the poor peasants expression, expanding red sports propaganda, military mobilization and encouragement before and after the battle, and so the idea behind criticism. On the whole, under the environment at the time of the revolutionary war, class struggle and logical thinking is an important criterion in their choice to take on the content.Soviet art publicity undoubtedly achieved great success. Its success is not only reflected in narrowing the distance between the party and the masses, expanding the party’s political influence; in enemy publicity in its success and sometimes actually less than a battle to make the enemy lose the will to fight, treachery toward the Red Army. Not just succeeded in rendering the emotional struggles of soldiers and civilians, it has inspired countless young people volunteer to join the Army, for the realization of the magnificent new social ideals of hard work, the courage to sacrifice; forefront of publicity fronts can instantly inspire high morale of soldiers; create Digestion pleasant atmosphere of joy in life pessimistic mood of the masses. Importantly, those gag throughout the course of Soviet art publicity created by witty satirical scenes, both the existing authority, order mockery and digestion, while for the Soviet people a new outlook oh life, values guiding concept, penetration and shaping.Soviet publicity to mobilize the Soviet government for the majority of soldiers and civilians from the Soviet peasantry in the political, ideological, spiritual, historical and cultural aspects of the situation of departure in the way and technically declared in favor of the use of theater, songs, posters and so these more relevant to local people cultural level and characteristics of publicity way, this cultural level that is adapted to the characteristics of the farmers but also fit the local people in the past traditional forms of cultural knowledge acquisition, it is both a form of entertainment but it is also an important means of cultural dissemination, which reflects CCP relevance, flexibility and adaptability in the publicity strategy. In addition, CCP art publicity carried out against the peasants, though it is a publicity tool propaganda, whose purpose is to serve the Revolutionary War. But in the Soviet practice in the process of showing the significance of not more than that, it also plays a very important role in the relationship between the Party and the masses, which for building ties between the party today but it has important significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Centrar Soviet Area, enlighten, Literature and Art publicity, vast Peasantry
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