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Study On The Normalization Mechanism Of Constructing Cadre Style

Posted on:2016-03-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D H ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206330470461980Subject:Political Theory
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It makes a very important sense for building a well-off society in an all-round way and pushing the construction of socialist modernization history during the key period that strengthening the construction for work style of cadres. Construction of work style relates to the success or failure of the cause of the party and the people, the goal of harmonious society, the enforcement of the policies about the Party’s line, it is a matter of improving public morals. Study the work style of cadres by using the basic principle of political theory subjects and theory method, combining with the theory of interdisciplinary knowledge, seeking to crack normalized mechanism refers to the problems in work style of cadres.The current success of China’s reform and opening up, the rapid development of economic with Chinese characteristics, pattern of pluralistic society gradually formed, above all of these increase the temptation of work style of cadres in some respects, cause the so called "four winds" problems. The communist party of China and the central people’s government always attach great importance to the construction of work style of cadres, especially for the new collective leadership since 18 th Party Congress, and the third plenary session put forward a subject of normalized construction of work style for the first time.Pay special attention to the construction of work style, that leads it to a normalized path. First of all, we need to has a clear understanding of "normalized mechanism", then build a system which can perfect and organic normalized mechanism. Build a system of normalized mechanism from multiple angles and levels, including system, law, system, process, mechanism and so on, and study the problems of building each part of the process, operation mode, improvement scheme and something need to be aware of, finally we can build a normalized mechanism running orderly.Build a normalized mechanism of work style are mainly from the following four steps:First, build the target management mechanism. Mainly from the perspective of the people, using the pragmatic management, incorruptible perspective, and the angle of the rule of law: follow the core content of the mass line, adhere to the fundamental purpose, the basic objective is to serve the people heart and soul; to establish scientific and reasonable performance evaluation index, evaluation achievement important aspects as practical work; purify the thought of cadres by thought education; supervise the extravagant corruption in public opinion,take the system and law as guarantee; popularize legal consciousness through various methods among cadres, and help them truly knowing the law, understanding the law. Once the target established, the measures can be targeted too.Second, building the system coordination mechanism. Within the whole advancement, take the study style and the style of study in the cadre evaluation system to strengthen the construction of style of study,fill the cadres’ brain with Marxism-Leninism, MAO Zedong thought and the socialist core value system, pay attention to the ideological style in selecting and appointing cadres; integrated evaluation of the cadres during the on-the-job work will adopt the assessment and opinion polls, so that it can help cadres be more realistic and pragmatic;keep good life style by massed learning and setting the examples, restrain bad life style by monitoring report.External coordination interaction: the study of the party’s theory and socialist core values can help to strengthen the construction of ideology,strengthen the construction of leading groups, basic-level party organization construction and the party member troop construction based on principles of democratic centralism; strengthen the public power system, improve the state-owned enterprise supervision system to strengthen construction of anti-corruption; solve the problems of the cadre style make cadre attitude construction with scientific, systematic and operability through the system building source management.Third, build a supervision and restriction mechanism.It is the important guarantee of style construction.It is not only by self-discipline, but also inseparable from the "heteronomy" that can strengthen the construction of style of work, the pressure of top-down and bottom-up motivation is necessary for improving the cadre style.Broaden the supervision channels on the basis of perfecting public and publicity system,taking advantage of internal supervision, judicial organs, the public opinion supervision, and build strict supervision network gradually, covering a comprehensive,timeliness,durable, mandatory in place of the supervision and restriction mechanism.Fourth, construct a reward and punishment mechanism that enable cadres to recognize the importance of attitude problem through the construction and the cadres of social welfare and honor and reputation and so on.It can also help the cadres to set up correct authority view and norm, prompt the cadre to form and maintain excellent cadre style.
Keywords/Search Tags:cadre style, style construction, normalized, mechanism
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