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A Study Of Ideology Criticism In Marx 's Economic And Philosophical Manuscripts Of 1844

Posted on:2016-02-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206330464970627Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ever since the publication,《Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844》 (《Manuscripts of 1844》 for short) has caused enormous concerns and controversies in academic circle. The debates, scholars holding about the 《Manuscripts of 1844》, are the topics of ’humanitarian’ and there has been drawn a consensus that a large number of human spirits and explorations on the significance of human existence were contained in it. In the exordium, Marx pointed to give critics to the metaphysical such as political economy, Hegelian philosophy and the abstract of communist trend then. Thus, on the surface, 《Manuscripts of 1844》 is a criticize of realism accompanying with a moral feeling, but in fact, it is meant to criticize a shed ideology. Marx’ critique is not just a theoretical principle self-prove, which simply build on denials of others in an extreme opposite. Instead it made pre-logical and pre-conceptional reflections derived from practices. The critics of political economy and communism were based on fully understand of private property and on the nature of labor alienation; it actively discard Hegelian dialectics, inherited beneficial factors, established logic dialectics of human existence. Marx’ critique of ideology is not in an abstract metaphysical opposition, while is a re-understand of human emotional demand. Further more, it shows the way back to human itself, without which, to get actually acquaintance to mankind’ developmental history would be impossible. On this basis, Marx gave a historic describes of communism and the significance of human existence. This tends to be torchlight for us to firm the belief of communism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ideology, abstract, practice, perceptive liberation
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