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Online Consumer Protection Of Interests

Posted on:2015-07-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with the development of online shopping problems has come to online shopping consumer rights and interests protection. On March 15th,2014, the revised "elimination" was implemented to made certain rules for online shopping consumer rights and interests, which effectively relieves some of the problems. In this paper, three cases, as the breakthrough point,were analyzedbriefly to introduce the current plight of online shopping consumer rights protection in China, including the right to know, fair trading right, the right to security, claims and other rights are violated. The revised "consumer protection law" established no reason to return syste, the protection of personal information, the responsibility Internet trading platform and so on. Even so there were still some problems in practice. Then this paper suggested the implementation of inversion of onus probandi to infringement of personal information, no reason to return the goods transportation risks borne by the operators, and further improve the transaction platform provider network responsibility and network transaction jurisdiction system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Online shopping, consumer personal, information
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