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Government Credibility Of The Evaluation Study

Posted on:2011-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X P HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206330332957363Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The government credibility is the aggregation which combines with the credit degree of the demos to the government and the ability acquirement of government; it embodies the image of the government, and being the key factor of the whole social credit system. For politics, the credibility is related to the foundation of the Political legitimacy of the government and maintains the existence, sustainment, stableness and development. Along with the development of the society, economic and network, the desire of the information exchange to people increased frequently, they urged the government to open up the information as much as possible, and seek a variety of social "truth". At the same time, the survey from other countries of the world found that decline of the government credibility is a common phenomenon. The lacking of trust breaks the concept of "harmony", which obstructed the stability and development of society.It is a complicated process for the evaluation to the government credibility. It needs a scientific way that conforms to our country to evaluate the government credibility, which can reflects such as public trust in government, public trust and distrust in each aspect, and the public's preferences and demand information. It means to get scientific and objective evaluation to promote the construction of government credibility, and promote the harmonious development of society.Based on the comprehensive survey, social public preferences, establish the evaluation index, and the evaluation to the present government credibility research. Except the introduction and conclusion, main body is divided into three parts: the first part is the government credibility and evaluation of the theoretical analysis. The second part is evaluation criterion analysis to the Chinese government credibility. The third part is the government credibility evaluation which based on the currently survey sample.
Keywords/Search Tags:Government, Credibility, Evaluation
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